Revolution in South Asia

An Internationalist Info Project

United States Punishing Strike Organizers in Nepal

Posted by hetty7 on June 26, 2011

Workers on Strike in Nepal

This article was originally posted on and contains obvious bourgeois distortions of (bandas) strike organizers, but it is notable that the United States has put a spotlight on these organizers as a threat and something that bares consideration as the Nepalese revolution grapples with the extended tentacles of imperialism of both American and Indian varieties.  

 US To Put Banda Organizers on Visa Watch

Kiran Chapagain

Kathmandu, May 27: With the country facing one after another banda in recent days , the US Embassy has decided to act tough against banda organizers who use threat of violence to enforce their strikes.

Embassy Spokesperson Heather Steil told Republica on Thursday that Ambassador Scott H.  Delisi has decided to put the organizers of Friday’s banda on the embassy’s visa watch list, invoking an existing visa policy.  She further said  the embassy will also enforce the policy on organizers of future bandas.

“We believe that while peaceful protests and demonstrations are the hallmark of a democratic society, using violence  – or the threat of violence – to force people  to participate in political activities is wrong,” said the US spokesperson.

Though the US policy of keeping people on visa watch was in existence, this is the first time the policy has been invoked targeting banda organizers.

“Being on the visa watch list  would make it very difficult for a person to obtain a US visa,” Steil said of the implication of this policy.

The US Embassy decided to enforce the policy  in its effort to promote violence free politics in Nepal.

“…Although we believe strongly in the right of people to freely express political beliefs, using the threat of violence to force people to comply with your views is not political expression; it is political thuggery.  It is time for the banda culture to make way for violence-free political discourse.” Ambassador DeLisi said in his Facebook post on Tuesday.

The US Embassy spokesperson said the ambassador is informing leaders of the visa watch list policy before taking action against organizers of banda using threat and violence.

In recent weeks banda has crippled life across the country.  On Wednesday mid-western parts and eastern parts of the country  were shut down by Bishwa Hindu Mahasang and Jatiya Limbuwan Parasid Krantikari respectively.

The UK recently took an extreme decision to stall funding to Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities for organizing banda forcefully.

One Response to “United States Punishing Strike Organizers in Nepal”

  1. Dhrohi said

    US journey of imperelist has been continuing all over the world, she though she only the solution for the world. It does not matter to US that whatever done by Npal,s people, its their right. Any country could not interfare the internal problems of a nation, whatever going on Nepal that are all the matter of their sovereighnty right.I think US want to throw their imperelist net on South Asia.

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