Revolution in South Asia

An Internationalist Info Project

Archive for April, 2009

Nepal’s Coming Gherao: Rumors of May Day Flashpoint

Posted by Mike E on April 30, 2009

A huge Maoist-led march demanded the resignation of Army head, April 27

A huge Maoist-led march demanded resignation of Army chief, April 27


From Thanks to Ka Frank for suggesting it. Note: the word GHERAO in the first sentence means ‘encircle” — and is the name for a certain form of mass action used in South Asia .

Nepal Army-Maoist on collision course?


The Maoists party is preparing to gherao the entire Capital city come May 1, 2009, say fresh reports coming form the Maoists’ camp.

The Maoists cadres from across the country have begun arriving in the capital to participate in the May 1-Workers Day.

“They have been kept in different locations in the capital from where they will organize rallies and converge in the capital center on Friday”.

“The May 1- Maoists’ rally will be the biggest of its own kind ever held in the capital”, say Maoists sources.

“Our major concern, on that day, will be to pressurize the government to restore Peoples’ Supremacy.”

On the other hand, the Nepal Army has instructed all its divisions spread in the five development region of the country to stay on high alert.

“The NA headquarters has also asked the Special Force of the Bhairab Nath Battalion to remain prepared to handle any untoward event”.

The Ranger Force of the Bhairab Nath Battalion, Maharajgunj, Kathmandu that was specially trained to fight against the Maoists at time of the Maoists’ led Peoples’ Revolt, are already in the state of alert.

The Ranger Force was trained on the Israeli and American style(Sniper Training).

Some Generals and high ranking officers have also been told to shorten their vacation and immediately show up at their respective divisions.

In the meantime, the Chief of the Army Staff Mr. Rukmangad Katwal had called a meeting with high ranking General of the Nepal Army at the NA headquarters.

“All those Generals who appeared in the Tuesday meeting are considered to be close to Mr. Katawal”, say sources.
2009-04-29 09:31:00

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In Their Own Words: The People of Rolpa [Part 2]

Posted by irisbright on April 30, 2009

We have received the following eyewitness report from Ben Peterson who has been traveling through Nepal. Ben’s reports are gathered on his own blog Lal Salam. Kasama posts this because it is of interest. As always, posting does not apply an agreement with the analysis. All photos are credited to Ben Peterson. Part 1 is posted here.

In Their Own Words- The People of Rolpa (Part 2)

Interviews are conducted by Ben Peterson.

The hills of Rolpa.

This is Gaurav Sharma. He is 26 years old and a captain in the Peoples liberation army. In his own words- here is his story:

“I joined the Maoists movement when I was 15. Because I was still young i wasn’t allowed to be a fighter at first, so I joined and became and actor and a dancer in one of the cultural troupes. It was good, I got to travel widely all across Nepal.

“I came from a farming family, peasants in Rolpa. I joined through another member of my extended family who had joined the movement, however my close family, my parents, were against me joining the movement initially.

“Once I was older I joined the PLA. In the early days there was no PLA training, everyone just had to learn by doing. Many people died just from inexperience, simple things like crouching and crawling when under fire, and often we would have to leave good and sophisticated weapons and equipment behind because we did not know how to use it. After a while though, we got more experienced, and then as our movement grew, we also received training from people who were ex-Gurkha soldiers in the British and Indian armies…

“Conditions in the camp are not good, however they are better then they were initially. We want there to be integration into the new army. The political parties all signed agreements, but now they are trying to go back on them. We want the agreements implemented, and Nepal needs a New National Army, so we can develop the nation, and fight against anyone who challenges it. We have no problems with most people in the Army and the police, more then 50% are OK. But there are those in the police and army- the officers especially, who are against the PLA and want to destroy it. We don’t want them in the New Army.”

Rolpa is incredibly impoverished. For most people here, there has been in effect no development and change in their situation in their lifetimes. This has changed for many recently, who have been able to get access to better drinking water and electricity as they were provided to the PLA cantonments, and then the surrounding areas.

In the village of Tila I met one youth, Dilip Mahendra (no photo). Dilip is 21 an has lived in Rolpa his whole life.

Lal Salam Blog: Has there been many changes since the end of the Peoples War?

Dilip Mahendra: Lots of changes, Electricity is now here, the youth employment scheme* will start soon- which I am very hopeful for. Also there is now an old age pension, and some money has come for the martyrs families, so many good changes.

LSB: So you support the Maoists?

DM: Yes I am an activist with the YCL (Young Communist League-the Maoist youth movement) and have helped to organise many activities. I am a little inactive at present but I will always support the Maoists.

LSB: So, why did you join the Maoists?

DM: The Maoists would come to my school and talk to the students. They would come and urge all the youth to unite to help develop the country. So that is why I joined the Maoists….

LSB: The Maoists restricted alcohol during the war. Is this still a Maoist policy?

DM: No that ban is no longer in place.

LSB: Do you and other YCL drink? Is Alcohol a problem in Rolpa?

DM: I do not drink, others do. Alcohol is not a major problem here. If people drink and people are drunk it is not a problem, unless you get drunk and disruptive. If you are disruptive the YCL cadre will come and talk to you and the YCL makes sure there are no problems.

LSB: Are young people here all thinking about and involved in politics?

DM: I think so. There are many people in YCL, and even some in Youth Force (Youth Force is the UML youth/muscle). There was a small disagreement between the groups during the recent elections. But we are all friends. There are some UML people in youth force, but I want a strong developed and united Nepal, so I’m with the Maoists and YCL.

*The youth employment scheme is a scheme from the government where more than a hundred thousand Nepali youths will be given loans to start tourist agricultural and other businesses, in an attempt to both kick start development and cut down on youth unemployment.

A Woman on guard at the 5th Division headquarters. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to get access inside the camps- due to heightened security for the elections, the commander being off base, and having not made appropriate contacts with the local party.

Gate- 5th Division Headquarters- Durhaban, Rolpa

I did however get access to their hospital- which is new and open to the public. Although it is very basic facilities, it is better and more than the people in the area have ever had. They deal mostly with diarrhea type diseases, and although it is the PLA hospital, mostly with the general public.

This old woman ran a small store in Durhaban that made most of its business with the people from the PLA cantonment in the village. She was a local UML supporter, and did not talk much when I tried to interview her; however she did say this:

“The changes that have happened and are happening don’t belong to any political party, they belong to the poor people. We are the ones who have made the sacrifices for change, and we are the ones who deserve it.”

Part 1 of this report can be found here.

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In Their Own Words: The People of Rolpa [Part 1]

Posted by irisbright on April 30, 2009

We have received the following eyewitness report from Ben Peterson who has been traveling through Nepal. Ben’s reports are gathered on his own blog Lal Salam. Kasama posts this because it is of interest. As always, posting does not apply an agreement with the analysis. All photos are credited to Ben Peterson. Part 2 is posted here.

In Their Own Words- The People of Rolpa (part 1)

Interviews conducted by Ben Peterson

[Saturday, April 25, 2009] I recently spent a week living with and talking to the the people of Rolpa. Rolpa is a very underdeveloped hilly district in Nepal’s mid-western region where the Maoists launched their People’s War in 1996- which went on to change Nepal in almost every aspect of its politics and culture. Because of this, however, Rolpa was also the scene for some of the worst police/army repression and violence. These are their stories in their own words.

The Martyrs Gate welcomes people as they cross into Rolpa.  It was built by the Maoists during the Peoples War period.

Liwang- The District Capitol of Rolpa

I met Swedah Dukesi (no picture-sorry!) on the side of the road waiting for a bus. He was a 53 year old man who was actually from Rukkum which was the next district north of Rolpa, however it too was the Maoist base area, and had many similar experiences to Rolpa. He had a badge of a red communist flag on his shirt.

Lal Salam Blog: I see that badge, are you a Maoist?

Mr Dukesi: No I am with the UML. The Communist Party of Nepal (United Marxist-Leninist).

LSB: Did that mean you had a hard time during the People’s War? Did you have many troubles from the Maoists?

Mr Dukesi: It was a dangerous time. The Maoists would come into the village and ask for food and shelter, and talk politics and leave. The Army however would come- then beat us, abuse us, accuse us all of being Maoists. The Army would kill people. In comparison the Army and the police where always far worse then the Maoists…

The Divisional headquarters of the Peoples Liberation Army- 5th Division the day after the by-elections. In the foreground a UML flag flies. The UML and other political parties repeatedly have claimed that the Maoists do not allow them to operate in Maoist strongholds. Across the road from the UML flag there is a local UML family- and proudly and vocally so, and much of the village was plastered by UML posters and stickers (they still lost the election). If 50 meters from a PLA the UML can operate very publicly without feeling threatened, i find these allegations hard to believe (especially seeing as all the local UML members denied them).

Terrace farming in Rolpa.

This Man- A dalit- lived in a small village in Rolpa. He missed most of the brutal times during the Peoples War as he was working in India. It is common for people in rural Nepal to leave Nepal for employment, particularly to India, Saudi Arabia, Dubai and Malaysia due to lack of opportunities at home.

LSB: So are you hopeful for the future?

Man: We are from a Dalit family, so there have already been many changes. Before the peoples war we faced many problems and discrimination. We would be humiliated for being Dalits, but since the Maoist movement, things have changed here. Attitudes are different.

LSB: Do you support the Maoists?

Man: Yes, we support the Maoists. They are doing good things, they are bringing change.

What was said was backed up, as while we were interviewing this man; other locals of other castes were in his home, and eating and drinking with him, behavior that simply would not have been possible just a few years ago.

The Martyrs’ Road in Rolpa. The road was constructed by the Maoists during the People’s War. The Party organised local communities and the peoples army to build the road. As well some locals who had been found of various crimes were sentenced by the “People’s Courts” to work a set hour of time on the road as punishment. There was even “international brigades” of foreign Maoists supporters who came to work on the road. It seems like a very simple and basic thing, but this rocky and rough dirt track made a real difference to peoples lives and made the movement of goods and people much quicker and easier for many people.

This is Nongna- a 26 year old woman who currently lives in the village of Tila. She was in Rolpa throughout the Peoples War. She is a new mother. Rolpa- particularly near the PLA cantonments, has many children as the peace process and the end of the war has created an atmosphere where raising children has become possible again.

LSB: Was it dangerous to be in Rolpa during the Peoples War?

Nongna: Well, when the Maoists would come they would just ask for food and shelter, but when the army would come they would kill and torture people. This would happen every day. So for this reason I joined the Maoists. The village was very difficult, there were always many problems with the police and the army. But I didn’t just join because of this, the Maoists had visions for the future, and for liberation.

LSB: What did you do for the party?

N: I used to go to peoples homes and explain to people the politics of the Maoists and try to convince others to support and join the Maoist movement.

LSB: What is it like from women in Nepal?

N: Well if I was a man I would not have so many of the problems I have had. Every household has issues, but as a maobadi these issues are not as profound.

LSB: So the Maoists are good for women?

N: Yes, very much. In the party it is much more equal between men and women, and women are able to participate freely.

LSB:And is this changing all of society?

N:Yes, there have been changes in broader society. People have seen the benefits of not having this divide and discrimination and people are learning.

(It is worth nothing that you can physically see a difference between Maoist women and women who have not joined the Maoists. The Maoist women stand straight and tall, are much more confident, will look a man in the eye and confidently interact with men in the life of the village. Women who have not yet become a Maoist or in Areas that are less Maoist affected will tend to be quiet, reclusive and be hidden and smothered by the men in the Village.)

This is Kahldi Magar Pun, who is an old man who has lived in Rolpa all his life. He is currently living in the village of Tila. He is staunch UML.

LSB: Do you support a political party?

KMP: Yes I support the UML. But I support them because I have family connect[ions] with the UML, not for any political reasons.

LSB: Was it difficult to be a UML supporter during the Peoples War?

KMP: At that time there was no police or army in my village, and when the Maoists came they would just want to talk and have some food and shelter, so for me it was easy.

LSB: So never any problems with the Maoists?

KMP: No, the Maoists would have cultural programs and shows, and all the people would come and enjoy. They were good, I enjoyed the Maoists’ programs.

LSB: So you like the Maoists?

KMP: I support the UML…

LSB: So what do you think of the UML’s actions in government?

KMP: The politicians just come here for votes, and then go to Kathmandu. It doesnt matter what we think. All the same the NC, UML the maobadi…

LSB: Do you think the Maoists are the same as the other parties?

KMP:Well the Maoists have done well, facilities have improved here, there are roads and electricity and we didn’t have that before.

LSB: So do you have high hopes for the New Nepal and the new Constitution?

KMP: UML governments in the past have done nothing, but in the same amount of time in government the Maoists have done a little bit, so we think that the new Constitution and the new Constitution will do good things for us.

This is what a “Terrorist” looks like…
Her name is Diti Thapa. She is 28 years old. In her own words this is why she joined the Maoists:

Diti Thapa:“… One day the Army came to my village. My family were not Maoists, we were not such a political family, but the army accused us of being Maoists anyway. They accused us of being Maoists and they were abusing us, and then they took my brother, my husband and my father, and they shot them. And then they raped me….I just hate those people who have done this to me. Because of them I have many problems, mental problems. It always comes back what happened. The killing of my father, and brother and husband, and the rest, it is always coming back. I am always crying…”

Some say that these aren’t political reasons for joining the movement, but nothing could be further from the truth. This was the true politics about the old Nepal- it was a bureaucratic order, that just didn’t give a fuck about its people, and had no limits to the brutality that it showed to its opponents.

It is also worth nothing that the guns that killed her family where likely supplied by the US. The soldiers that raped her likewise were likely trained by the USA. But because she had the strength to resist this brutality- she is a terrorist.

If fighting against this kind of brutality- that is just incomprehensible to any reasonable person- means that your are on the side of terrorism- I know where I stand.

Part 2 is posted here.

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Maoist Demo Demands Removal of Royalist Army Head

Posted by Mike E on April 30, 2009

from tuesday’s demo

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People in India Resist Displacement & State Terror

Posted by irisbright on April 28, 2009

The 13 Demands

The 13 demands placed by the adivasis
on the government.


This article, written by a revolutionary professor in Kolkata, describes the development of the adivasi struggle in Lalgarh, West Bengal, from its inception in late 2008 until the present.

It has detailed analysis of the role of women in the struggle, the spread of the movement in adivasi areas beyond Lalgarh, the development of support in Kolkata and the role of the Maoists in the armed and unarmed people’s resistance.

* * * * * * *

“The Maoists are quite likely to be in the thick of things now like in Nandigram, if not at the initial stage; but that should not make one forget that it was a sense of neglect, humiliation and loss of dignity in the minds of the tribal people that started the prairie fire in the face of police brutality. The word ‘Maoist’ has already become the symbol of defiance and resistance against this oppressive system and is looming large on the horizon as a living spectre, haunting the powers-that-be.

“The Lalgarh struggle has begun. It has already entered the second phase. The way people are being mobilised and prepared for the bloody struggle ahead, the setting up of check-posts, formation of village defence units, developmental work initiated by the committee shows that the movement in this phase has definitely assumed an organised character. There is ground to believe that Maoist radical politics has been playing a major, if not the decisive role, in the movement. Needless to say, the Lalgarh movement has added another glorious chapter to the struggle of the long-suffering Indian people. It has immense possibilities. “

* * * *

Singur to Lalgarh via Nandigram

Rising Flames of People’s Anger against Displacement, Destitution & State Terror

by Amit Bhattacharyya

After the historic Nandigram struggle, it is now the turn of Lalgarh. If Singur faced the initial experience of defeat, Nandigram could legitimately take pride in her experience of victory in course of her long and bloody struggle against the oppressive anti-people West Bengal government, the ruling CPI (M)-sponsored hermads (goons) and police brutality. From the historical point of view, Nandigram elevated the struggle against displacement and the State-sponsored land-grab designs to a qualitatively higher level. It showed a path that, although rooted in the anti-colonial struggle of the 1940s, was new and had elements from which the struggling people of other regions could learn. And Nandigram had already found a rightful leading place in the history of just struggles in our country.

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Naxalites Launch Armed Opposition to Parliamentary Elections

Posted by n3wday on April 27, 2009

india-soldiers1This article was published on Telegraph India..

The Red Trap: Did the Centre focus so much on averting 26/11-style attacks that it ignored the Maoist threat?

Sujan Dutta and G.S. Mudur report

Maoists attacked security forces, detonated landmines and raided polling parties from Gaya in Bihar to Gadchiroli in Maharashtra, marking the geographical spread of the insurgents who had called for a boycott of the 2009 Lok Sabha elections.

Despite the deployment of better-armed central paramilitary forces, Indian Air Force helicopters and intensified patrols, the Communist Party of India (Maoist) took on the might of the security forces in what it considers its turf, spanning most of Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa and Chhattisgarh.

The attacks resulted in the death of 19 people, including eight civilians, and disrupted the polling process in 71 of 76,000 polling stations that were considered under Naxalite threat, Election Commission officials said tonight. The first phase of polling today covered 124 parliamentary constituencies, involving 185,000 polling stations across 14 states and two Union territories. Read the rest of this entry »

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Peterson: Showdown Intensifies Between Old Elite & a New Nepal

Posted by Mike E on April 26, 2009


We have received the following eyewitness report from Ben Peterson who has been traveling through Nepal. The original title of his essay is “Nepal: Elite revolt threatens democracy.” Ben’s reports are gathered on his own blog Lal Salam. Kasama posts this because it is of interest. As always, posting does not apply an agreement with the analysis.

“Suresh Kumar Ale Maga, a UNCP-M member of parliament [says that] for the Maoists, a New Nepal meant “a Nepal on the way to socialism”. 

“Following its victory in the by-elections on this program, the UCPN-M has pressed ahead with plans to restructure the state. The existing structures, inherited from the monarchy, have proved resistant to change. This has sparked fierce resistance from the opposition, the foreign embassies and the army. This has put the ongoing peace process, as part of which the PLA agreed to end its armed struggle, in jeopardy.”

“Facing attacks from various sides, the Maoists have responded with ongoing, daily street demonstrations across the country. The core issue is the need for control by the elected government over the state, with its entrenched bureaucracy.”


by Ben Peterson, from Kathmandu (25 April 2009)

Less than two weeks after the Unified Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist (UCPN-M) won by-elections in six constituencies across Nepal, it is facing fresh resistance by the old elite.

The elite is seeking to stop the UCPN-M-led push for a “New Nepal”. This has included front-page exposures of a coup plot to overthrow the elected Maoist-led government.

The centre of the storm is the moves, begun on April 19, by the Maoist-led coalition government to remove the Chief of Army Staff Rookmangud Katawal.

This follows a long dispute between the military high command and the elected civilian government. Katawal has refused to implement government instructions.

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Nepal: Rumors of Attempted Coups

Posted by Mike E on April 25, 2009

Nepali officers and U.S. military advisers

Nepali officers and U.S. military advisers

Ka Frank sent this piece from

What put Maoists on backfoot

KATHMANDU, April 24 – It sounds surreal, reads like a page from a nail-biting thriller.

On Thursday, 25 generals were present at the meeting of Principal Staff Officers at the Army Headquarters. The agenda was a serious one: Maoists are in a larger mission than to eliminate Nepal Army. They were out to derail the peace process and destroy Nepali democracy. And something had to be done to stop that.

It was PSOs and Valley commanders first meeting after the Maoist-led government issued a clarification letter to Chief of Army Staff Rookmangud Katwal.

The meeting started with DGMO (Director General of Military Operations) Gaurav Rana, saying that this was a historical moment and therefore it called for a frank discussion. “We are facing a tsunami and we must stop it,” he said. “The virus which is trying to destroy the Army is in this room.”

Himalaya Thapa, who heads the No. 1 Brigade added, “The root of the trouble is here. We must look for it and get rid of it.” A number of other generals also spoke at the meeting.

All the ire was vented against Lt. Gen. Kul Bahadur Khadka, who remained silent right through the meeting. Khadka, second in command in the Nepal Army, is the supposed Maoist choice to succeed Katawal.

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“We are ready to capture Nepal Army HQ”

Posted by Mike E on April 23, 2009

Riot police shielding the Army headquarters, while Maoist supporters stage a rally against Nepal Army Chief Rookmangud Katawal in Kathmandu on Wednesday. (Photo : Narendra Shrestha)

Riot police shielding the Army headquarters,
while Maoist supporters stage a rally against
Nepal Army Chief Rookmangud Katawal
in Kathmandu on Wednesday.
(Photo : Narendra Shrestha)

“We know how to fire bullets, if the Prime Minster orders we will begin fighting instantly,” said the Maoist student leader.

“The Maoists’ fresh attack on institution of the Nepal Army is nothing but their inner intent to capture the State,” says UML leader.

We are ready to capture Nepal Army HQ: Maoist leaders

The Maoists affiliated peoples’ organizations organized rallies in several parts of the country supporting the government’s decision to seek clarification from the Chief of the Nepal Army Mr. Rukmangad Katawal.

The Maoists’ sister organizations have been organizing rallies in support of the government move since last two days. The protestors were mainly demanding the government to immediately sack CoAS Katawal.

On Wednesday, April 22, 2009, the Maoists’ cadres not only chanted anti-Nepal Army slogans but also criticized their own government for the delay in sacking the Nepal Army Chief. The Maoists’ leaders addressing the rallies also demanded immediate resignation from Katwal for his role in murdering the Maoists’ cadres during the revolt and at time of the Peoples’ Uprising-II.

Yuba Raj Chaulagai, the vice president of the Maoists’ affiliated Students’ union told the mass that the Maoists are all prepared to capture Nepal Army headquarters if needed to remove Katawal.

“We know how to fire bullets, if the Prime Minster orders we will begin fighting instantly”, he added.

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Hindu Violence Rises in Orissa

Posted by n3wday on April 23, 2009


This article was published in A World To Win.

Orissa, India: Hindu fundamentalists foment violence among the people

[20 April 2008. A World to Win News Service.] Over many years a large number of Dalits (“untouchables”) in the eastern Indian state of Orissa converted to Christianity to escape the Hindu caste system in which they are considered subhuman. In the last decade, and especially the last year and a half, life has become hell for them. In December 2007, Hindu supremacist forces lead a riot in which many of the Dalit Christians were killed and their homes and churches were burned by tribal people at least as poor as the Dalits. The Hindu monk Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati, a leader of the Vishnu Hindu Parisad (VHP) party, was said to have been behind the attacks. The VHP is part of a broader movement of organisations identified with the word “Hindutva” (“Hindu-ness”), that fights, in parliament and often in the streets and villages, in the name of opposition to communism, Islam and Christianity.

After Saraswati was killed in August of last year, in an attack attributed to guerrillas under the leadership of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), the Hindutva parties launched even more ferocious attacks on the Dalit Christians. In the district of Kandhamal, deep in the forested interior of Orissa, many of them are now living in makeshift camps after their homes were destroyed. Hindus have been forbidden to hire them as day labourers anymore, or even to talk to them, and their children cannot go to school. This level of violence against Christians has not been seen since India’s independence, and it has been encouraged and organised.

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Sharpening Power Struggle between Maoists and Reactionary Army

Posted by Mike E on April 21, 2009

Chief of Army (CoAS) Staff Rookmangud Katawal

Chief of Army (CoAS) Staff Rookmangud Katawal

A series of events have sharpened the confrontation between the Maoists of Nepal and the high command of the National Army (which is the reactionary army formed to serve the now-overthrown monarchy.) The Nepali government, headed by Maoists, has demanded that the National Army submit to civilian control (and to a program of transformation and “democraticization”). This has been resisted at each point, exposing the Army’s class character and its anti-revolutionary intentions to a wide section of the public. Now, the Maoist government is pushing the matter — seeking to remove die-hard generals, and setting a date this summer for the completion of the demanded transformation. We may be in the opening moves of a crucial confrontation — with ongoing importance for future events.

Here are a series of short but relevant articles (pending more substantive analysis and statements from the revolutionaries themselves). They were originally gathered at Nickglais’ Democracy and Class Struggle blog.

The Unified CPN (Maoist) has advised the government to suspend General Katawal from the post of army chief if his clarification is not convincing

The ruling Unified CPN (Maoist) has advised the government to suspend General Katawal from the post of army chief if his clarification is not deemed convincing.

A meeting of the party’s Central Secretariat held today morning at the Prime Minister’s official residence to discuss the government’s decision to ask General Katawal to furnish clarification had reached to this conclusion.

The meeting also concluded that the government had the constitutional rights to seek clarification from its army chief and also decided to hold a mass meet in the capital city today in support of the government’s decision to ask General Katawal to furnish clarification on the controversial issues related to the army.

* * * * * *

MoD issues 24hr ultimatum to army chief to clarify on thorny issues

Latest News: Lt General Kul Bahadur Khadka is soon to replace Rookmangud Katawal as the Chief of the Nepal Army say sources.
The Ministry of Defense has given a 24 hour ultimatum to Chief of Army (CoAS) Staff Rookmangud Katawal to furnish clarification on three controversial issues related to the army.

The Defense Ministry has given this ultimatum in a letter it sent to the CoAS Monday seeking clarification on issues related to recruitment in Nepal Army (NA), retirement of eight army generals and boycotting of National Games by NA.

The letter has been formally registered at the NA Headquarters in Bhadrakali, Kathmandu, a ministry source said.

Accusing the CoAS of challenging people’s supremacy by repeatedly disobeying the government orders, a cabinet meeting on Sunday had decided to seek clarification from CoAS Katawal.

The defense secretary had personally called up the CoAS to acknowledge the receipt of the letter, according to reports.

The cabinet decision comes as part of a plan of the Maoist led government to relieve Katawal from his position, it is learnt.

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Prachanda on Continuing the Agrarian Revolution

Posted by Mike E on April 21, 2009

Thanks to Nickglais and his Democracy and Class Struggle blog. We will report more on these developments as information becomes available.

Key Point: Landless people will have land within six months. (Prachanda’s reports are in English, other parts of this video are in Nepali.)

Article > Read the rest of this entry »

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How Maoists stunned India on polling day

Posted by Mike E on April 19, 2009

india-maoistsFrom Maoist Revoluton elist  a report on the first day of India’s multi-day election.

How Maoists stunned India on polling day

April 17, 2009


Krishnakumar P reports on how Thursday’s attacks revealed that the Maoists have far better military training and superior firepower than believed earlier.

• Rebels used people’s militia comprising well-trained youngsters from the forests and border districts for Thursday’s attacks.

• Security forces did not have enough time to change tactics employed with great success in November and thus lost the edge to the rebels.

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Indian Maoist Leader: Election Boycott and the Fight for People’s Democracy

Posted by n3wday on April 19, 2009

Communist_Party_India_Maoist_PLA_Soldiers_Marching Thanks to Ka Frank and Maoist Revolution for making it available. This Interview is taken from the Maoist Information Bulletin-7 that is scheduled to be released on April 15.

Interview with Azad on the 2009 Lok Sabha elections in India

Azad is the spokesperson for the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Maoist). The interview was conducted on April 10, 2009 by the the Maoist Information Bulletin[MIB]. The larger interview covers topics ranging from the elections in India, the global economic crisis, its impact on India, the G20 Summit, etc. The excerpt focuses on the Lok Sabha elections to be held in April-May 2009. 

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MIB: Election-2009 in India has been hailed as the biggest election ever held in the world with almost a billion voters participating. Does the increasing hype over the elections show the growing faith of the people on ‘parliamentary democracy’?

A: Certainly not. The claim that there has been an increase in the faith of the people on ‘parliamentary democracy’ is a hollow, concocted and outright false claim. The very fact that every day the media, the central and state governments, and all the contesting ruling class parties are dinning into the ears of the people to exercise their so-called holy vote, shows the desperation of the reactionary ruling classes to refurbish the debilitated image of their so-called parliamentary democracy. Thousands of crores are being spent on this propaganda alone.

So scared are these bandicoots that they can never imagine allowing the voters the minimum democratic right to reject the parties and candidates contesting the election. They fear that if the option of rejecting the candidates was given, then those who had been hitherto indifferent to the elections—who actually constitute the majority in any election—would perhaps vote against everyone and prove in categorical terms the futility of parliamentary democracy. But even otherwise, if you look beyond the 24-hour non-stop screening of election by hundreds of so-called news channels (I say so-called since hardly any of the news channels provides anything worth calling as real news), and go to the grass-roots level you can see the apathy, disillusionment, even hatred and anger against the parliamentary system and the parliamentary parties. Both have lost their credibility as never before and the more the people lose faith in the parliamentary parties and institutions, the greater is the noise generated by the media and the ruling classes through every means at their disposal calling upon the people to cast their vote.
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India’s Naxalbari Group: New Polemic on Nepal and the RCPUSA

Posted by n3wday on April 18, 2009

Communist_Party_Nepal_Flag_FistThis article was sent out on the Maoist Revolution e-list and was published in the Indian journal Munnaniporali, which is associated with the Communist Party of India (ML) (Naxalbari).

The Line Struggle in Nepal

Ideology guides a Maoist party. This must be concretised through politics. For example, in an oppressed country the Maoists must carry out the task of new democratic revolution, destroying imperialist domination and the comprador, feudal forces. This is an ideological stand. It is concretised in different countries through political practice carried out by taking into account the situation and changes in it. Within this, protracted peoples war is the most important. But war is not the only political practice. In the present world, where the political realm has widened to a great extent, political intervention carried out through diverse forms of struggle has great importance. The recognition of this factor and its utilisation stand to the credit of the Maoists in Nepal.

Through the political tactics of ceasefire, participation in the interim ministry, and demand of constitutional assembly they succeeded in isolating the monarchy and ending it. This has led to a new situation. If new tactics are not adopted the party will deviate from the task of new democracy. Yet the leadership is not prepared for taking up this task. This is what has led to the present ideological struggle in the CPN(M).

Overall, this criticism is correct. But since the recent tactics have been justified in relation to the specificities of Nepal and its national needs, they should also be examined from the angle of the opposites patriotism/internationalism.
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