Revolution in South Asia

An Internationalist Info Project

Kiran: Reject Unequal Treaties with India

Posted by Ka Frank on December 8, 2009

Telegraph Nepal, December 6, 2009

Nepal Maoists’ leader explodes at India, propose SA Alliance to fight Indian Hegemony

The anger in the Maoists’ camp of Nepal towards India becomes quite evident from the remark made by one of the high ranking leaders of the ex-rebel party.

Mohan Baidya Pokharel alias Kiran, the Maoists’ Party vice chairman, spitting venom against India not only claimed that the South Asian Countries have been the victim of India’s expansionist policies but he also felt the need of the local Nationalists and the countries in the South Asian neighborhood in forming an alliance to fight against the continued Indian hegemony.

The program entitled “Foreign Interference and Nationalism” was organized by the Maoists’ Party offshoot Young Communist League (YCL), Saturday December 5, 2009 wherein Mr. Pokharel made those remarks which time permitting annoy India to the hilt.

Mr. Pokharel also opined that if need arises Nepal should ready itself to fight for restoring the State of Nepal prior to the signing of the unequal 1816 treaty of Sugauli-the Greater Nepal.

“There will be no Nepal if we fail to raise Nationalist feeling among ourselves”, said Kiran adding that, “Our Nepal will be Sikkimized sooner than later.”However, he was also of the opinion that since India cannot directly make Military interventions in Nepal as it did in the past to grab our territories, it (India) was using our own political parties and some of the leaders belonging to the UML and the Nepali Congress for Sikkimizing Nepal. “We will fight against India’s ill intentions,” he also declared.

Nepal’s Water Resources expert Mr. Ratnasansar Shrestha was of the view that the three Koirala Brothers, Matrika, Bishweshwor and Girija remained in power at different intervals of Nepali history and continued in power simply because they sold our mighty Big Rivers to India at a dirt cheap price.

“Nepali Nationalists must reject all the past unequal treaties including Pancheshwor because they are not in the interest of Nepal”, he added.

Mr. Gopal Siwakoti Chintan, a Human Rights Activist with Communist tilt, even urged the Maoists to grab weapons to institutionalize the Republican order and build what he called “New Nepal.”

One Response to “Kiran: Reject Unequal Treaties with India”

  1. rajesh said

    One among the architect of Nepalese People’s War and guide, mentor and de-facto leader of nearly all UNCP (Maoist) leaders, Comrade Kiran speaks out what he feels right. In this issue of nationalism also he has expressed his stand clearly. But, more lately, he also has become some type of paper tiger. He says something, which doesn’t get acceptance in the party and he adjusts with the situation as if he is a powerless grandfather. He is raising issues of national importance and has also been initiating two line struggles within the party. But, his initiatives do not see the desired results. Hence, many among revolutionary political stream in Nepal respect him but do not expect being him instrumental to radical change. Therefore, he could be a very good source of ideas and initiatives, but operationalizing such ideas ad initiatives needs another mechanism. May be, the reorganized party led by Comrade Matrika Yadav or another led by Comrade Mani Thapa could be a few among such mechanisms. If Comrade Kiran could come out of his cocoon of paper tiger and start really roaring, he could make historic contributions.

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