Revolution in South Asia

An Internationalist Info Project

India’s Maoists: The Present Situation & Our Tasks

Posted by n3wday on April 14, 2009

communist_party_of_india_maoist_2Many thanks to Ka Frank for sending this to us.

Present Political Situation – Our Tasks

CPI (Maoist) December 20, 2008

“Utilise the Excellent crisis situation!”

“Intervene and carry on each and every struggle of people!”


– A call by Indian Maoists

* * * * * * *

International Situation

During the past one year the crisis in the world capitalist-imperialist sys­tem has grown to levels unprecedented since the Great Depression of the 1930s. Manifested initially in the form of bursting of the sub-prime mortgage bubble in the US, it soon became the deepest financial crisis mainly in the US and then spread to EU, Japan and other parts of the world. By November 2008 it assumed the form of world recession after the US, 15-member Euro Zone and Japan officially declared their economies had entered a period of recession. Panic over the ever-deepening financial crisis soon gripped the real economy; exports fell and production had to be slowed down due to decrease in consumer spending in the US and Europe. The ongoing global crisis is not merely a financial crisis but a crisis encompassing all sectors of economy, social and political spheres in all countries.

The past year had seen many fluctuations in the prices of crude oil and commodities rising steeply in the first half and declining in the second half of the year. Reduction of area under food grains production led to acute shortages of food grains worldwide and high prices persisted for most part of the year. Food crisis has now become a worldwide phenomenon which will worsen further throwing a greater proportion of the world population into the clutches of poverty and hunger. In 2008 another 40 million people had joined the ranks of the hungry. Prices of oil ruled at record highs during the first eight months reaching a peak of $147 a barrel in August and then suddenly plummeting to more than half by September and reaching $40 a barrel by the third week of November due to drastic decline in automobile sales, lack of demand for land, air and sea transport. Not only oil prices but prices of many commodities like platinum, copper, steel and zinc have fallen by 35-40 % between July-September and agricultural commodities like soya and corn by over 50% due to the fall in demand resulting from steep declines in purchasing power of the people, industrial closures due to credit crunch and falling demand, and overall economic downturn. Widespread speculation in these commodities is also an im­portant reason for the extreme fluctuation in their prices. Fall in prices of agricultural commodities has affected commodity-producing countries like Australia, Argentina, India and several countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Partial or complete closure of industrial giants and lay-offs of mil­lions of workers has become a world-wide phenomenon in 2008. 17 out of 29 steel mill blast furnaces in the L S closed down due to lack of demand. Sales in automobiles, steel, software, electronics, retailing, transport had gone down steeply. Big Three in automobile Industry, which were the icons of American industrial supremacy until a few years ago, are now on the verge of collapse. House prices are the lowest since 1991. In Germany, G.M’s Opel plant was closed down. BMW and Diamler had ceased production for some months. Thus gloomy scenes of Depression are looming large on the scenario with continuing fall in demand for capital and consumer goods and even food grains. Agriculture too is badly affected due to non-availability of loans from banks.

The stock markets saw continuous shocks for most part of the year. The Black Monday of September 15 and the crisis-ridden third week of September witnessed the biggest failures of the financial institutions. Lehman Brothers, Merill Lynch. AIG Bear Stearns, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, and a host of other bankruptcies shook the US and world economy In spite of huge bail­out; announced by the Rush administration, big hank, and companies contin­ued to fail not to speak of smaller fry. The case of Citigroup, the pride of America, failing in mid-November showed the depths of the crisis. The so-called rallies of stock markets for a while in October proved fleeting moments in the ever-deepening crisis. Stock market: continued to crash even after massive financial assistance by the various governments. Interest rates were cut several times by the Central in the US, Germany, Japan and several countries including India but all to no avail. In the third week of October Japan’s Nikkei 225 plunged by 24.5% in five days-the worst weekly performance in Nikkei’s 50-year history. Japan initially sanctioned $18 billion to stave off the crisis but w hen this did not prevent its economy from sliding into recession by mid-November, it had to announce a huge package of $265 billion to bail out the financial speculators. Losses in Asia in eight top markets during the third week of October totalled $870 billion.

The epi-centre of the world crisis lies in the US economy and is rooted in the unbridled growth of various forms of financial speculation such as securitization of debt, sub-prime lending, forward contracts etc., all of which are completely divorced from the real productive economy. Financial parasitism and the rise of a coupon-clipping, financial aristocracy, which com Lenin described as the essence of moribund capitalism had assumed the most vulgar and rapacious forms in the US at the cost Of industry and trade. It is the unprecedented crisis in the US economy that had exacerbated the crisis in the world economy due to heavy dependence of the world on the US dollar and markets.

The Bush administration, representing the corporate-financial parasitical elite ruling America is desperately striving to push the burden of the ever­deepening crisis onto the backs of the toiling people of the country and on the people of semi-colonial, neo-colonial countries of the world. It had already spent over $2.5 trillion of taxpayers’ money to bail-out the bankrupt financial institutions. The allotment of huge funds to the financial sharks is meant to further fatten them by promoting a wave of take-overs and buy-outs of the smaller sharks leading to further concentration and centralization of wealth. Bail-out plan of Bush had facilitated the take-over of Bear Stearns and Washington Mutual by JP Morgan Chase, Merill Lynch by Bank of America. Wachovia by Wells Fargo and National City by PNC. Tax-breaks and write-offs were announced for the big banks that took over the relatively smaller ones. The ultimate outcome of the ‘rescue plan’ of Bush will be financial parasitism at its peak by way of further consolidation of the US banking system and domination of the entire economy by a few mega-banks. Only a small, negligible fraction of the funds will be spent to help the productive sphere and the masses of working people, such is the reactionary essence of the bail­outs which are vehemently opposed by the vast majority of the toiling masses of America. Hence Republican Bush and Democratic Obama have the same solution for the crisis in the US-militarism, war (mainly in the form of regional wars or proxy wars), intervention in other countries in the name of `war against terror’, economic bullying of countries of Asia-Africa and Latin America, and ruthless conquests and plunder of the world resources and people. US imperialism is trying to offset its economic decline by military means. War is also used as a weapon to divert people’s attention the deep internal all-round crisis by placing the blame on external factors.

In the November, 4 Presidential election, the ruling financial aristocracy in the US brought Democratic Party’s Barack Obama to power to placate the mass of the American people who are totally disenchanted and furious with the policies of republican Bush that led to mass impoverishment at home and anti-Americanism abroad. The American ruling class think’) that Obama’s African-American descent and his relatively clean image and young age will help refurbish the battered image of American imperialism abroad and that they can more smoothly and efficiently carry out the interests of the corporate-financial elite than under a Republican candidate. But Obama can do precious little to improve the image of America abroad or resurrect the US economy which is bogged down in a perennial crisis. Obama’s policies, both internal and foreign, are not different in anyway than those of Bush. Obama’s slogan of helping the Main Street is a shield to hand over tax-payers’ money to the Wall Street. And his war-mongering will be even more aggressive than that of Bush. The gravest crisis of American imperialism logically leads it to unleash more wars which, in turn, create greater crisis and social explosion at home and isolation abroad. Moreover, the so-called war on terror is strengthening the religious fundamentalist forces worldwide leading to further proliferation of terrorist attacks.

Today the situation is even more fragile and unstable than during the years of the Great Depression, for the simple reason that unlike the earlier period. when the epi-centre of world crisis lay in Europe and US imperialism could bring relative stability owing to its industrial supremacy and huge financial resources, today it has lost its economic supremacy, became transformed into the largest debtor nation, and. thriving on financial speculation, has no ability whatsoever to ensure stability in the world. On the contrary, today it is American imperialism itself that has become the greatest source of instability and crisis in the world. It has decided to increase its public debt from $10 trillion to $113 trillion by next year which is done through heavy borrowings from China and other countries. If China and other countries demand that its loans be paid back it will have a disastrous impact on the US economy. EU and Japan, being themselves crisis-ridden, have no resources or wherewithal to bring any soil of order in the present-day world. Moreover, every, country will try to grab a share of the shrinking markets at the expense of others through protectionism leading to wars of aggression and collapse of some countries. Keynesianism and monetarism had completely failed and, unable to understand the causes for the present stagflation, even mainstream economists are turning to Marx’s Capital to understand the phenomenon. After decades of rhetoric about free enterprise, non-intervention of the state in the economy, total privatization of industrial and service sectors, and market being the regulator, there is a massive intervention of governments in a bid to rescue a tiny corporate-financial elite in every country. Besides giving out huge fund to this parasitic class, stock of major banks and financial institutions are bought over by governments, what the media has been depicting as ‘partial nationalization’. Hence no talk of Bretton Woods II or any international regulat­ing body in place of the World Bank. IMF and other US-led Agencies can bring any order despite the boasts of G-20 countries during their meeting in November. In fact, huge sums of FII money are leaving the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America. From China alone, sums ranging from $10 to 25 billion were said to have fled the country until September 2008 itself.

China, the fourth biggest economy in the world, which has been hailed as an engine of growth in the Asia-Pacific region, is also ridden with grave crisis and has closed down thousands of export-oriented industries as it is heavily dependent on the US and EU for export of its goods. For instance, more than half of the toy-exporting industries in China closed for most part of 2008. In turn, this has a deep impact on the economies of Japan and South Korea which are the biggest exporters of capital goods to China. To overcome its crisis China announced a $590 billion stimulus package. It is more likely that China and other Asian economies will strive to become less dependent on the US and EU and promote more intra-Asian trade and investments which will push the US and EU deeper into crisis.

The gravest global economic crisis since the 1930s has led to an accentuation of all the fundamental contradictions in contemporary world-between imperialism and oppressed nations and people; between the various imperialist powers; and between capital and labour and is leading to political and social crisis of unparalleled dimensions.

The global economic crisis has intensified the inter-imperialist contradic­tions further. Particularly the contradictions between the US and Russia have grown sharper over oil-rich Caucasian region and NATO’s Missile Defence system in Europe. Russia threatened to destroy the European Missile Defence system if US-led NATO goes ahead with its plan to place the missiles in Poland. US recognized Kosovo in February. It pushed Georgia to occupy Tbilisi, the Capital of South Ossetia. In retaliation Russia declared war on Georgia and seized not only South Ossetia but also parts of Georgian territory. After the cease-fire, Russia and SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organisation) recognized South Ossetia and Abkhazia (which was until then an autonomous re­public in Georgia) as independent countries. Submerged in its own crisis American imperialism chose not to confront Russia at this point of time. Possessing the second largest oil reserves in the world and less dependent on exports, Russia’s economy is relatively less vulnerable to the ongoing world economic crisis. It also improved ties with several European countries, China, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela and other countries. Of particular significance is the grow­ing strategic relationship between Russia and China which can have far-reaching consequences in global power equations. The crisis has also created cracks in the European monetary system and has promoted nationalism and xenophobia among some countries.

China has emerged as a big competitor in the world market to the US and other imperialist powers. It has been the fastest-growing economy in the world with over 12% growth rates for several years. Although it has been badly affected by the present world crisis, its growth rate continues to be around 9%. It is trying to develop trade relations with countries of Africa. Asia and Latin America besides political and military alliances in order to extricate itself from over-dependence on US and EU and to eat into their spheres of influ­ence. The recent official visits of top-level Chinese delegation to African and Latin American countries, its growing clout in the APEC (Asia-Pacific Eco­nomic Cooperation) Summit, and development of bilateral ties with several countries of the world should be seen as part of this move to seek alternative sources for its exports and investments. China is already the biggest trading partner of Japan replacing the US. It is also striving to stimulate its domestic consumption through massive investments in infrastructure, construction of housing, social welfare programmes and massive defence outlays. It is increasing its military might and is building its first aircraft carrier. Countries of BRIC (Brazil-Russia-India-China) have been playing an increasingly impor­tant role in world affairs.

The outcome of the current crisis will witness a realignment of various powers in the world which would inevitably weaken US imperialism further. Hence American imperialism is desperately trying to rope in India to its side to use it as a bulwark against the growing clout and might of China which it thinks will be the chief rival to US in future. India has become a willing strategic partner of American imperialism in order to fulfil its own expansionist inter­ests not only in South Asia but also in Asia as a whole.

Iraq and Afghanistan continue to deliver deadly blows against US occupation forces thereby aggravating the economic, political and social crises in America. The Taliban has gained control of almost 40 % of Afghanistan, has presence in most parts of the country and is now within reach of Capital Kabul. 2008 witnessed the highest number of casualties of US and NATO troops in Afghanistan ever since the fighting commenced in late 2001. Hence American imperialism is planning to increase its troops in Afghanistan by an­other 30,000 by mid-2009. The anti-US sentiment is so great due to indiscrimi­nate bombing of civilians with a large number of women and children becom­ing victims, and Taliban has become such a strong force. that even the US puppet Karzai is compelled to propose talks with Taliban. Obama’s assurance that US occupation forces would be withdrawn from Iraq is a sheer ploy to pacify the growing anti-war sentiment of the people in the US and elsewhere in the world. Moreover, American imperialism stands isolated in Iraq as one country after another had pulled out its troops. Despite US pressure. Britain was compelled to announce its plans to pull out its last soldier from Iraq by May 2009. Although American imperialism tried through back-door methods to keep its forces for another three years in Iraq under the fig-leaf of a decision by the Iraqi cabinet. It was flatly rejected by the people of Iraq. Israeli Zionist terrorists had stepped up attacks on the Palestinian territories virtually razing down Palestinian residential areas in Gaza Strip. Hamas has put up brave resistance against the Israeli state attacks.

In South Asia the situation has become explosive. In Nepal, monarchy was overthrown in the elections to the Constituent Assembly and CPN (Maoist) had come to power in coalition with other parties of the exploiting classes. The position of Maoists is quite delicate and unstable as it is dependent on the mercy of the other comprador-feudal parties to continue in power. The abandonment of base areas, demobilization of PLA and participation in elections is a blow to the revolutionary movement in South Asia. However, inner-party struggle within CPN (M) is likely to break out in future as it hogs down deeper into the morass of bourgeois democracy and revisionism.

In Sri Lanka the fighting between the LTTE and the government’s Sinhala chauvinist armed forces has increased in intensity in the past one year after Rajapakse broke the cease-fire in 2007. With the aid of several imperialist powers and the Indian expansionists, Rajapakse government had acquired helicopter gunships, bombers, naval fleet, and a huge arsenal of deadly munitions, and has unleashed a war of attrition. Sinhala troops have bombed civilian areas creating a humanitarian crisis with thousands becoming refugees. This has generated considerable reaction in Tamil Nadu. Indian government is assisting the Sri Lankan government by all means though outwardly it is posing as a neutral player to avoid adverse reactions from the people of Tamil Nadu. The LTTE seems to have much weakened and has been pushed into a defen­sive position but is putting up stiff resistance against the combined forces of Sri Lankan Army, Navy and Air Force. Considering the fact that the Sri Lankan Army is seen as a foreign chauvinist occupation force by the Tamils, it becomes clear that people of tile Tamil nation in Sri Lanka will continue their war against the forces of occupation. It is impossible to suppress the demand for Tamil Eelam and the national struggle for independence is bound to emerge stronger even if it suffers a temporary setback.

In Pakistan the situation has become extremely explosive. Prime Ministerial candidate Benazir Bhutto was assassinated. Musharraf was forced to abandon power, and President Zardari has become an object of despise in the eyes of the Muslim masses as he turned out to be a greater stooge of US imperialism than even Musharraf. The incessant bombing on FATA and Baluchis by US helicopter gunships and missiles killing hundreds of civilians is creating massive opposition internally and more and more people are taking up arms against the US client regime. Bush had signed a secret order in July authorizing the use of US ground troops in Pakistan. Obama was even more aggressive than Bush in his attitude towards Pakistan and he declared his policy of extending the fight against AI-Qaeda onto Pakistani soil. Due to pressure from American imperialism, the stooge government of Zardari has amassed his troops along the Afghan border and is indulging in a blood-bath. Taliban has intensified its attacks on NATO’s transport trucks proceeding from Pakistan thereby disrupting the supplies of arms and other materials to the NATO troops in Afghanistan. Engulfed in severe economic crisis and high inflation, Pakistan begged the IMF and obtained a huge loan in October in return for total servility to US and other imperialist powers. The economic­political-social crisis in Pakistan is giving rise to massive people’s movements, fundamentalist attacks and separatist movements.

The global economic crisis has led to terrible deterioration of the stan­dards of living of the vast masses throughout the world. Job losses due to closures and lay-offs are unprecedented: unemployment figures have reached record levels in most of the imperialist countries with over 3 million in Britain and 8 million in Germany. Temporary and partial employment in low-paid jobs has increased greatly reaching 26.4% of total work force in Germany. The ILO has estimated that 20 million jobs will be destroyed worldwide during 2008. 10.6% of the 30-member OECD’s population lives in poverty.

A recent report of OECD pointed out: “the average growth of recent decades has benefited the rich more than the poor.” It also ranked the US the third worst in inequality and poverty among the Group’s 30 member states. Only Mexico and Turkey fared better. Due to home foreclosures, more than 17 lakh families will be losing their homes in 2008 and the figure is expected to reach 50 lakh by 2012. In the US, top 10% of the population possesses 71% the national wealth; top one per cent own between 25-33%.

No wonder, in the Nov 4 Presidential elections in the US, there was massive rejection of the regressive policies of Bush at home and aggressive wars and militarism abroad. Obama is projected by the ruling elite of the US to create an acceptable image to the American people and the rest of the world who have nothing but despise for the criminal acts of Bush. In the despotic two-Party system in the US people have no choice but to elect what they felt as the lesser evil Barack Obama. Obama has assured the parasitic ‘financial aristocracy that he would continue the policies of militarism and war abroad with some cosmetic changes. He openly declared that he would step up the war of occupation in Afghanistan and extend it to Pakistan until the destruction of Al Qaeda and its leader Osama Bin Laden. His stands with regard to Iran, Sudan, Russia. Afghanistan and the so-called war on terror point to the increasing prospects of wars just as under Bush. The danger of a resurgence of right-wing forces basing on people’s discontent is looming large on the political horizon due to the weakness of the revolutionary forces.

Thus, overall, globalisation has created a volatile situation for the economies of all countries of the world. The crisis is bound to extend in space and time giving rise to massive movements of the working class and various sections of people against the reactionary ruling classes and imperialism. The job losses, wage cuts and mass lay-offs have created an objective situation for the rise of militant working class movements. The recent eruptions of mass violence all over Greece lasting for almost a fortnight point to the pent-up anger, frustration and hatred towards the exploitative system that is weighing down the majority of the people in the capitalist world. Such violent social eruptions as a manifestation of the intensification of the contradiction between capital and labour, are likely to increase in the capitalist countries as the crisis deepens.

Imperialist powers and their puppets and compradors in various countries will resort to the most savage methods of suppression of people’s struggles; trample underfoot the basic human and democratic rights; set up Latin American-type death squads to murder leader; and activists of democratic move­ments and trade unions; snatch away the right to life of the vast majority of the people; and enforce the most brutal forms of fascist rule. They will increase their war preparations and undertake wars of aggression besides imposing fascist rule at home which is the only solution imperialists can think of to come out of severe crisis.

Economic crisis leads to militarism, war and revolutionary upsurge. And war leads to greater social-political crisis and to a new wave of revolutions. This is a historically proved truth. Hence it is the task of revolutionaries worldwide to consolidate and strengthen the subjective forces of revolution and prepare themselves to seize the tremendous opportunities arising from the current global economic crisis and the resultant political and social crises. By utilizing the excellent situation worldwide the Maoist parties can grow significantly and become a formidable force to challenge imperialism and international capital. If appropriate tactics are adopted, and the vast toiling masses, groaning under the heavy burden of the all-pervading global crisis, are mobilized into militant revolutionary struggles against the capitalist-imperialist system, we can surely make significant advances in the world socialist revolution.

Domestic Situation

In India, the world economic crisis has affected all spheres due to the rapid rate of its Integration into world economy and its implementation of imperialist- dictated globalisation policies. The growth rates had dropped to 7.6% in the third quarter against 9.3% in the same period last y ear. The BSE Sensex had touched a record 21.000 points in January 2008 which the Congress-led UPA government had boasted as indicating the soundness of the Indian economy. But soon the Sensex began to plunge reaching 15,000 points in March, 10.000 points in September and a record low of less than 8.000 by November. The government tried to counter the falling demand and downturn in production by decreasing the interest rate; decreasing the cash reserve ratio held by banks, and tried to promote borrowings and consumption alI to no avail. Consumption continued to fall drastically. Due to the dearth in cash flow and bankruptcies of the major financial institutions in the US and Europe, FIIS withdrew their funds from the markets at a rapid pace to the tune of $9.6 billion in the first nine months of 2008. This outflow is a reversal of the record inflow of $17.2 billion into the economy last year. It is estimated that the total outflow by the end of the year could reach $13.5 billion. The cumulative market capitalisation of Indian shares, which was  $1.8 trillion in January has slumped to less than $700 billion by November with the devaluation of the rupee adding to the woes. This resulted in rapid decline in dollar reserves and depreciated the rupee to a record level of Rs. 50 a dollar in November compared to Rs. 39 a dollar in January 2008.

Inflation Riled at two digits for most part of the year. Prices of food grains and vegetables had reached unaffordable levels. And with the global slow-down, even demand for consumer durables has reduced drastically. In a desperate move, Finance Minister called on the companies, hotels and traders to reduce the prices so as to increase consumption but it was flatly rejected by the big business sharks. In spite of tile seemingly-confident statements of the Prime Minister and Finance Minister that the world recession will not have any impact on the Indian economy, the terrible consequences are felt by every citizen. Thousands of industries have closed down; the BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) and KPO (Knowledge Process Outsourcing) sectors, airways and construction projects, etc., have retrenched workers in hundreds of thousands: the software industry is in a big due to dependence on US (61% of BPO-KPO exports) and Europe for its exports. Obama had assured the people of US that he would stop outsourcing of lobs and bring back jobs outsourced to other countries. This will throw lakhs of people out of jobs. The so-called export-oriented industry which contributes a substantial share of the country’s GDP is getting completely destroyed due to fall in demand. The crisis will worsen in the days to come as prospects of an early recovery of the world economy are ruled out by world economists.

The crisis is further accentuating all the contradictions in Indian society. It is leading to a redistribution of wealth from the poor to the filthy rich. In tile past few years there is staggering increase in the assets held by a handful of families: just one lakh families hold assets worth $350 billion (Rs. 17.5 lakh crores) or a little less than half the country’s GDP. India boasts of 53 billion­aires whose combined wealth amounts to 31% of India’s GDP. At the same time 83.6 crores of Indian people or 77% of the population live on less than Rs.20 a day. According to the Global Hunger Index of 2007, India ranks 94 out of 118 countries tailing behind even countries like Pakistan and Ethiopia. In Spite of such glaring inequalities, the reactionary rulers are continuing their regressive policies of tax breaks and write-offs to the corporate-financial houses while taxing the poor and resorting to cuts in social welfare spending. The current world crisis and crisis in Indian economy will lead to further pauperization of the poor and even a sizeable section of the middle classes on the one hand and a further jump in the number of billionaires and millionaires on the other. India is undoubtedly heading towards a grave social explosion.

During this period the Indian ruling classes have gone further into the grip of the US imperialists. By signing the civilian-nuclear deal the Manmohan Singh government has sold out the Country’s interest, completely to the American imperialists. In the name of SEZs it has continued to displace people, particularly peasantry, from fertile lands and hand over the same to the real estate mafia. Corporate retail trade is driving lakhs of small retailers into bankruptcy.

The political crisis has further aggravated during the past year. The governments in Karnataka, Jharkhand and Mizoram collapsed due to internal dog tights. The UPA government itself was on the verge of collapse after the withdrawal of support by the so-called Left over the civilian-nuclear deal with the US. The Manmohan Singh government managed to survive through horse trading, support by Samajwadis and spending huge sums for bribing MPs In what has become infamously known as for Votes scandal. In the elec­tions to some state Assemblies in February-March. BJP won a majority of seats in Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and later in Karnataka.

The so-called Left stands nakedly exposed after it sold out the interests of the people of West Bengal to the Tatas, Jindals, Salem, and imperialist capital. Tatas had to pull out of Singur after sustained agitation by the people and parties Iike Trinamool Congress. The role of the revisionists in endorsing several of the anti-people policies of Manmohan Singh’s government and stand­ing so] idly behind the government even when it was going against every promise it made in the Common Minimum Programme, earned the wrath of the people. Hence, not to get isolated and rejected in the parliamentary elections next year, it decided to withdraw its support to the UPA government after four years of hob-nobbing with it.

The crisis is reflected mainly in the form of outbursts of people’s anger like those of the Gujjars in Rajasthan, mass upheaval in Kashmir. strikes by banks and public sector employees, doctors and teachers in several states, massive people’s protests against rising prices of essential commodities and petrol-diesel price hikes, protests by small retail traders against the monopolisation of retail trade by a handful of the comprador big business houses and MNCs. the militant struggle of adivasis and peasantry against their dis­placement by mining projects, so-called mega development projects, SEZs, etc.

Under the pretext of fighting terrorism following the bomb blasts in Jaipur, Bangalore, Ahmedabad and Delhi. Muslim youth are arrested and tortured in thousands and many are incarcerated in jails. Some are murdered in the name of encounters as in Jamianagar in Delhi. The persecution and hounding of Muslim community is taking place irrespective of whoever is in power. While the BJP is using its various saffron outfits with the aid of the state machinery wherever it is in power, the Congress too has unleashed an equally ferocious offensive in Maharashtra, Delhi, AP where it is in power by using the intelligence Bureau (IB) and state machinery. Myths regarding organisations like Indian Mujahideen are floated by the IB to divert the people and step up fas­cist rule. The involvement of saffron terrorists has at last come out in the open after the blasts in Muslim-majority Malegaon in end September and Samjhautha Express.

The state’s complicity in the bomb blasts and the attacks on tile religious minorities is nakedly exposed before the people at large. The government has done nothing even after the involvement of the Bajrang Dal was proved in Kanpur blasts in May and the brutal carnage on Christians in Orissa, and state-sponsored attacks on Christian community in Karnataka and MP. Now it has become clear that most of the bomb blasts, particularly the blasts in Masjids and Muslim residential areas, that had taken place in the country, are the handi­work of the saffron terrorists with an eye on the elections. The RSS-VHP­Bajrang Dal-Shiv Sena and other saffron terrorist gangs are allowed to roam scot-free and unleash attacks on the religious minorities. We should demand a re-investigation of all incidents of bomb blasts that had taken place in the country and to ban the saffron terrorist organizations. While concentrating our attack on the saffron terrorists, we should also ideologically expose the danger of Muslim fundamentalism which diverts the Muslim masses from finding the real solution to their problems. Indiscriminate acts of killing of civilians and terrorist acts such as the Nov 26 attacks in Mumbai and in Assam on October, 31 in which civilians were killed in big number should also be condemned irrespective of who had committed these. We should strive to build the class unity of the people of Muslim minority and the Hindu majority and wage united struggle against the common enemies. We should explain to the people that such bomb blasts are not a solution to the problems faced by the religious minorities and expose the conspiracies of the ruling classes to utilize such incidents to enact fascist legislation and brutal reign of terror on all revolutionary, democratic, national liberation movements. The reactionary classes are also propping up organizations like MNS in Maharashtra to fan Marathi national chauvinism and launch attacks on North Indians. The Congress Government in the state has been acting as a passive onlooker in order to pander to Marathi chauvinists.

Overall, social and political crisis is deepening and the ruling classes are conspiring to bring in more draconian measures and unleash brutal suppression of people s struggles. File religious divide and communal passions are deliberately roused in a conspiratorial manner by the reactionary ruling classes so as to create a sense of insecurity and helplessness among the people : it large and thus use this to pin legitimacy to their fascist black laws and to brutally drown the people’s struggles, particularly the revolutionary movement in rivers of blood. Anti-Pak war hysteria is also consciously incited in a systematic way by the reactionary rulers to divert people’s attention from the internal crisis and actual problems confronted by the people, Utlising the bomb blasts, particularly the November 26 attacks in Mumbai, a series of measures were announced by the government to strengththen the state machinery, such as setting up four NSG centres, a national investigation agency, anti-terror act, beefing up coastal security, unified commands, strengthening the intelligence machinery, increasing the strength of the police, para-military and the Indian armed forces etc. Plans are also afoot to enact legislation to bring some aspects of law & order in the states into the central list, Indo-Pak war and the so-called war against terror are also promoted by the imperialists and the Indian comprador big business houses in order to find a way out of the current economic crisis. Such measures will only accentuate the crisis further. The strain on financial resources due to the severity of the current global economic crisis will have an adverse impact on the plans of the Imperialists and the reactionary ruling classes of India to further sharpen the fascist fangs of the state and intensify their offensive against the revolutionary, democratic and national liberation movements in the Country. Moreover, wasteful expenditures on defence, state machinery and war preparations places limits on the ability of the ruling classes to allot funds for social welfare which will lead to grave social and political crises.

During the past year the offensive against our Party and ongoing people’s war has been stepped up to an unprecedented level. The mechanisms and methods of the enemy are being constantly refined ever since the merger and particularly since the successful completion of the Party Congress. The Prime Minister has stressed upon the need to improve the intelligence mechanism in various states, intelligence sharing and coordination between states, modernisation of the police forces, increase in fire-power, imparting special training in counter-insurgency warfare, setting up nodal centres, and joint co­ordinated offensives against the Maoist revolutionaries, besides initiating reforms as part of the policy of LIC. Ten Cobra Battalions with personnel selected from the CRPF are being raised in the next two years. Two companies are already sent to DK. The government also announced plans to set up twenty jungle warfare schools over the next three years to train the police forces of various states and the central forces in jungle warfare to counter Maoist guerrillas. Coordinated joint offensives are undertaken by the police in AP-Chhattisgarh-Orissa-Jharkhand-Bihar-West Bengal in all border regions. Setting up intelligence network in various states has been more or less completed by the beginning of this year. The focus of enemy attack and his main concen­tration has been to destroy our movement in DK and BJ as well as to eliminate the central and state leaderships of our Party. As we did not change our former methods despite the above changes on the part of the enemy, we suffered serious losses in the past year. Two PB members were arrested along with several members of other Party committees. Around 240 comrades, including several members of the Party committees, commanders, fighters and members of organs of revolutionary people’s power and revolutionary mass organisations became martyrs.

The past one year had witnessed heroic counter-offensive operations by PLGA such as the historic Nayagarh multiple raid in Orissa that shook the reactionary rulers, Balimela (Chitrakonda ) ambush in AOB wiping out 38 AP Grey Hounds personnel which shattered the myth of Invincibility built around this elite mercenary commando force,

MV-126 ambush eliminating 17 Orissa policemen and SOG personnel, Gollapally ( Battigudem), Dantewada Jailbreak, Tadikel, Kursanar, Chhindpal, Vakulavayi, Battum (Orchha), Cheribeda, Mardoom ambushes, attack on the district collector and SP of Kanker, Narayanpur ambush wiping out 7 CRPF men, Kongupalli ambush in Bijapur wiping out 12 CRPF personnel, Mahamaya mine area ambush in Dalli Rajahara, Korepalli ambush in Gadchiroli district in Maharashtra, Jhajha raid in which 44 arms were seized, Ranigunj Bazaar ambush in Gaya, Parasnath ambush, Ranchi Pundidhin ambush, Galobad ambush in Hazaribagh. Tamar ambush wiping out Bundu DySP and two other policemen, Burudih Dam ambush in East Singhbhum Wiping out 11 policemen, Purulia and Midnapur ambushes, Samri Pat ambush in North Chhattisgarh and attack on the IG of Ambikapur range and so on. All these counter-offensives have demonstrated the potential of the PLGA to trans­form into PLA and guerrilla war into mobile war. Some of these operations were carried out by Battalion-size formations which fought the enemy forces for hours and succeeded in seizing arms and wiping out the enemy forces in big numbers. Besides the attacks on the policemen and central forces PLGA had also carried out attacks on several reactionary political leaders and counter­revolutionaries such Laxmananda Saraswati of the VHP, former minister of Jharkhand Ramesh Munda of JD(U), BJP’s Baliram Kashyap in Dandakaranya, and recently West Bengal’s social-fascist Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhatacharjee in Midnapur. We also carried out a systematic campaign to root out the enemy’s informer network in several areas thereby cutting off his eyes and ears.

All these heroic actions against the class enemies of the oppressed people had enthused the entire people’s camp and sent shivers down the spines of the rulers. Seeing the ever-growing strength of their own army, people of our country have become more confident of victory in the Indian revolution. The most significant victory of tile PLGA is over the Salwa Judum – state joint offensive in Dandakaranya. It had not only defeated the savage offensive but also played a key role in setting up and defending the revolutionary organs of people’s power in various parts of Dandakaranya.

The present excellent revolutionary situation arising from the ever-growing economic-social-political crisis at the global and domestic level throws up immense possibilities for building broad-based fronts against imperialism, particularly American imperialism and in South Asia, against Indian expansionism. It throws up great possibilities for waging united militant struggles of the working class worldwide and in India against retrenchments, wage cuts, wage freeze, casualisation and infermalisation of labour, cuts in social benefits. and against class exploitation in various forms. It throws up favourable conditions for uniting the vast masses of toiling people the working class peasantry, adivasis, women, dalit masses, middle classes, sections of national bourgeoisie against price rise, plunder by MNCs and comprador big business houses, against increasing famine and food shortages, against tax cuts for the rich and tax hikes for the poor, against massive displacement of people by SEZs, mining projects and so-called mega development projects, and so on. It throws up (Treat opportunities to unite the religious minorities and the secular-democratic forces among the Hindu majority to fight state terror and state-sponsored terror, and Hindu fascist terror of the BJP-RSS-VHP-Bajrang Dal-Shiv Sena­Hindu Munnani-Rashtriya Jagaran Manch-Abhinav Bharat etc. It matures the conditions for the naked exposure of the social-fascists such as the revi­sionist CPI, CPI(M) which, despite their anti-capitalist rhetoric, increasingly become apologists of capitalism and collude with the monopoly capitalist class in their offensive against the working class in the period of crisis.

Overall, the present world crisis provides immense possibilities for advancing the world socialist revolution to its ultimate victory. Its terrible consequences in India will accelerate the pace of the ongoing revolutionary war and provide excellent opportunities for making big gains politically­militarily-organisationally thereby hastening the onward march of people’s war to its ultimate goal. Our Party has to rise to the occasion, seize the opportunity, and steadfastly advance with unflinching determination and spirit of self-sacrifice to carry forward the responsibility placed on us by history. Towards this end, we must work out the correct tactics, deploy our subjective forces in accordance with the needs of the present situation and execute the tactics with Bolshevik spirit.

Utilise the excellent objective situation created by the world economic crisis and the all-round domestic crisis to initiate a wave of militant mass struggles countrywide! Leave no stone unturned to intervene and participate in every type of people’s struggle on just demands!

Political Bureau



December 20, 2008

“The highest development of this basis itself (the flower into which it transforms itself; but is always this basis, this plant as flower; hence wilting after the flowering and as a consequence of flowering) is the point at which it is itself worked out, developed into the form in which it is compatible with the highest development of forces of production, hence also the richest development of individuals. As soon as this point is reached, the furthest development appears as decay, and the new development begins from a new basis.” [Marx, Grundrisse, p. 541]

5 Responses to “India’s Maoists: The Present Situation & Our Tasks”

  1. In South Asia the situation has become explosive. In Nepal, monarchy was overthrown in the elections to the Constituent Assembly and CPN (Maoist) had come to power in coalition with other parties of the exploiting classes. The position of Maoists is quite delicate and unstable as it is dependent on the mercy of the other comprador-feudal parties to continue in power. The abandonment of base areas, demobilization of PLA and participation in elections is a blow to the revolutionary movement in South Asia. However, inner-party struggle within CPN (M) is likely to break out in future as it hogs down deeper into the morass of bourgeois democracy and revisionism.

    This has become my daily comment as I find repeated this wrong analysis. What is taken to be a bourgeois democratic trend is being misunderstood. What is being developed is a democratic centralist state made up of a multiplicity of oppressed classes. Bhattarai’s strategy has been clearly presented in his

    Teach-in: Building a New Revolutionary Type of State

    It is not a revisionist plan. It is a plan to complete what Lenin and Mao were unable to complete. The function of the democratic centralist state will be to exclude participation of and apply dictatorship over oppressor/exploiter classes (read NC, et al) while writing a constitution for an interim state which will wither away. What is truly novel is this interim state is to also have power over any dogmato-revisionist tendencies that serve to unduly perpetrate the vanguard party or delay withering of the state.

    One can continue to read the news and easily buy into the wrong ideas in the above paragraph of the article (this is all I take issue with).. the news and the wrong analysis seem to fit, but if you read the news with knowledge of the actual explicitly defined strategy by Bhattarai you will see it also fits their actions.

    So which is the true take? I believe Prachanda and Bhattarai have not spent going on two decades in ideological and military combat so they can drive a BMW. I chose to have allegiance to the vision clearly enunciated. I keep hearing this is an idealized view of what is happening – if so it is then but the flip side of faith in failure. And, let’s not forget that just if I am wrong in the end about the capacity of the Maobadi to enact their project, what I believe is happening may not be wrong – this project which has its roots in the Paris commune, Lenin’s Soviets and Mao’s Cultural Revolution needs to be carried to communism.

  2. Ka Frank said

    You write that the political line and strategy of the UCPN (Maoist) is to build a “democratic centralist state [which will] exclude participation of and apply dictatorship over oppressor/exploiter classes.”
    This seems to be drawn from Bhatterai’s article from a number of years back. Can you refer me to any such statement by the CPN (Maoist) or its leaders since the peace agreement was signed in November 2006?

    And even if this were the present goal of the UCPN (Maoist), how could this possibly be reached by pursuing a strategy of “restructuring” the state by peaceful means?

  3. Ka Frank –

    Yes it is drawn from a consistent line documented extensively and reflected in the text of even the most recent news items.. of which I need rightfully collect and bring to your attention. I have nowhere suggested that restructuring will come by peaceful means… quite the opposite in fact. The misconception seems to continue that the Maobadi are following a revisionist bourgeois democratic line. I am pointing out that I have seen nowhere in the recent or not so recent news or other publications anything that necessarily contradicts the line cited from before 2006. Because the world media really knows jack-shit about communist theory the issue always gets couched as Maoists saying they will be participants in pluralistic democratic processes so we should believe it maybe, or they posit they are just hiding their intent to establish a Stalinist type dictatorship. I personally have seen no contradiction to the line of centralist democratic state simultaneously dictatorship of the proletariat with intent of withering away of the state to communism. I agree that restructuring the state even in this novel sense is useless without resolving the problem of a standing army in defense of the reactionaries, by return to PW if necessary – exactly as has been recently stated by Prachanda, having placed a deadline on the NA to shape up or ship out by July.

    As stated before, I chose to have allegiance to the vision clearly enunciated by Bhattarai and Prachanda. If keep this is an idealized view of what is happening it is my choice rather than having faith in failure of their project, which I think is genuine as opposed to their simply having fought all these years to cash in on the revolution. Even if I am wrong in the end about the capacity of the Maobadi to enact their project for other reasons, this project (which has its roots in the egalitarian maxim of the Paris commune, Lenin’s Soviets and Mao’s Cultural Revolution) would still need to be carried to communism.

    I have no idea if it is possible for me to effectively address the many questions of you and other comrades and myself by asking them of the leadership in Kathmandu or whatever level can be approached.. I am still trying to understand these questions and formulate them.. something I need help with for sure. In coming days I will be seeking that, reviewing our discussions here for that. And as I said, I agree it is useful and important to examine recent statements of position carefully. There are a couple of avenues of approach occurring in Kathmandu – I am particularly interested in the International Relations Department of C.P Gajurel. It may hinge on conveying the interest of many in the answers. Also, hasn’t Kasama been doing a lot to counter the polemics against the Maobadi? What is the scope of readership here?

    At the moment I am busy with trying to get a place to live in Kathmandu.. while having just returned from the police station in Western Beijing as I got spotted and picked up out here waiting for my flight following the end of my residency permit in China due to my apartment lease ending (all is cool now as my work visa is still good through July 2 and they listened to reason). There was a lot of fun at the station as they tried to figure out the sequence of about 12 China visas and 2 Nepal visas in my passport since 2002. They couldn’t understand WTF I was going in and out of Nepal for either, though they had no questions of the probable business interests in China.. lucky they thought it was funny when I said I was working for Mao Zedong!

  4. Important said

    This theoretical-political essay should be posted on the main Kasama blog. It is pressingly relevant beyond the boundaries of this South Asian Revolutions blog, as it marks a clear intervention by the Indian Maoists on issues regarding the international situation, as well as the international movement.

    As far as their account of Nepal. I am more skeptical of the charge that they do not understand the situation in Nepal, than I am when it is leveled at the Afghanis or the RCP. They have much closer ties to the Nepalese than any other maoist group in the world, and they have a pattern of direct contacts. If anything, I think the statements of the Indians on the situation in Nepal should be taken seriously, and not simply dismissed, let alone on the specious basis that Stephen Mauldin suggests, that is, a sloppy fusing of Badiou’s theories onto the situation in Nepal, and then a subjective assertion of his own personal faith that this is the correct view.

    Furthermore, the Indians do not write-off the Nepalese, but suggest that internal line struggle must be fought out to correct the strategic orientation of the Nepalese Party, and they make clear that exactly this kind of struggle is ocurring in the Nepalese Party.

  5. red road said

    Please note this important interview, issued this week:
    Interview with comrade Azad, Spokesperson, central committee, CPI(Maoist), on
    2009 Lok Sabha elections

    The Maoist Information Bulletin spoke to comrade Azad, the spokesperson of the
    central committee, CPI(Maoist), on various topics ranging from the forthcoming
    Lok Sabha elections in India, the global economic crisis, its impact on India,
    the G20 Summit, etc. In this issue we are covering that part of the Interview
    related to the Lok Sabha elections to be held in April-May 2009. This Interview
    is taken from the Maoist Information Bulletin-7

    On the 2009 Lok Sabha elections in India:

    MIB: Election-2009 in India has been hailed as the biggest election ever held in
    the world with almost a billion voters participating. Does the increasing hype
    over the elections show the growing faith of the people on ‘parliamentary

    A: Certainly not. The claim that there has been an increase in the faith of the
    people on ‘parliamentary democracy’ is a hollow, concocted and outright
    false claim. The very fact that every day the media, the central and state
    governments, and all the contesting ruling class parties are dinning into the
    ears of the people to exercise their so-called holy vote, shows the desperation
    of the reactionary ruling classes to refurbish the debilitated image of their
    so-called parliamentary democracy. Thousands of crores are being spent on this
    propaganda alone.

    So scared are these bandicoots that they can never imagine allowing the voters
    the minimum democratic right to reject the parties and candidates contesting the
    election. They fear that if the option of rejecting the candidates was given,
    then those who had been hitherto indifferent to the elections�”who actually
    constitute the majority in any election�”would perhaps vote against everyone
    and prove in categorical terms the futility of parliamentary democracy. But even
    otherwise, if you look beyond the 24-hour non-stop screening of election by
    hundreds of so-called news channels (I say so-called since hardly any of the
    news channels provides anything worth calling as real news), and go to the
    grass-roots level you can see the apathy, disillusionment, even hatred and anger
    against the parliamentary system and the parliamentary parties. Both have lost
    their credibility as never before and the more the people lose faith in the
    parliamentary parties and institutions, the greater is the noise generated by
    the media and the ruling classes through every means at their disposal calling
    upon the people to cast their vote.

    MIB: Party has given a call to boycott the elections. But on the other hand it
    seems the interest and involvement of the people in the elections is growing. If
    this were true, then how do you account for this discrepancy and plan to deal
    with this?

    A: As I had explained earlier, there is neither any interest nor involvement of
    the people in the Parliamentary elections. In fact, even the narrow base of some
    of the parties had taken further beating this time. Contrary to the images you
    see on the idiot boxes, the involvement of the people has further declined when
    compared to earlier election. Hence the desperate attempt by the rulers to rope
    in film stars, cricketers and popular personalities into publicity campaigns to
    “educate” the people regarding the virtues of parliamentary democracy, and
    about the great responsibility of the citizens in casting their votes. To make
    one believe that the system is really democratic, they call on you not to vote
    for criminal elements but for those committed to country’s progress, those who
    are not corrupt, and so on. What is to be done when all the candidates are
    rogues�”which is evident in at least nine out of ten cases�”is left

    It is, of course, true that some of the candidates and parties are able to draw
    crowds to some extent. In a country with over a billion population it is not
    difficult to find a few thousands, and at times a few lakhs, of people to attend
    meetings and rallies if the sponsors arrange for transport and meals, and pay
    them some money. Then caste, clan, regional loyalties or admiration for cine
    stars attract some crowds. One can see how hard the political parties have been
    working in every state to bring cine actors into electioneering for various
    parties. The political leaders know that the disenchantment of the masses had
    grown to such an extent that they cannot even address them without roping in
    some popular personality. Seeing images of “huge” crowds at the meetings
    should not make one to hastily conclude that more people have become interested
    in the fake exercise of elections and that parliamentary democracy has gained
    some credibility in the eyes of the people. On the contrary, the opposite is
    actually the truth.

    MIB: What do you say of the attempts by the “Left” parties to build a
    non-BJP, non-Congress secular democratic alternative at the Centre through a
    Third Front? What would be the impact of such a Third Front on the Indian
    A: The so-called Third Front that is sought to be forged by the CPI and CPI(M)
    as a secular, democratic front comprising all the non-Congress, non-BJP forces
    is actually a congregation of self-seeking discredited opportunists, all of whom
    had proved themselves to be hypocrites and double-dealers in their respective
    states. Who needs to be taught about the infamous history of a Chandrababu
    Naidu, a Jayalalita, a Mayawati, a Deve Gowda, a Naveen Patnaik? These notorious
    leaders and their parties, who had, at one time or the other, shared power with
    the Hindu chauvinist BJP, are being given a clean and secular-democratic image
    by the so-called Left.

    Karats, Yechuris and other power brokers of the so-called Left had churned out
    the slogan of anti-communalism to justify their alignment with the most loyal
    agent of the imperialists like the Congress Party during the 2004 elections. It
    was only after almost four years, when the people began to trounce the Congress
    in the Assembly elections in various states and come out into the streets
    against the policies of the UPA, that these brokers “realized” that the
    Congress was kow-towing to the imperialists! Now, after parting with the
    Congress, these opportunists see anti-communalism in Parties like the TDP, BSP,
    AIDMK, JD(U), BJD etc all of which had never really demarcated themselves from
    communal BJP and have no compunction in striking an alliance with it if it gave
    them a share in power. For our Marxist theoreticians and ideologues all these
    forces had suddenly become secular!! And one should not be surprised if they
    once again become the tail of Congress after the election. The opportunism of
    the Indian “Left” has no limits.

    Just see. They found secularism, anti-imperialism and democratic moorings among
    parties such as the Telugu Desham, a party which was the first to transform a
    state in India into a laboratory of the World Bank and responsible for the
    murder of over two thousand Maoist revolutionaries during its nine-year rule
    besides the high-level of corruption of the regime led by Chandrababu Naidu.
    Then there are other opportunist and proven die-hard reactionary parties such as
    Jayalalitha’s AIADMK that had become infamous for the scale of corruption,
    abuse of power and fascist suppression of people’s struggles in Tamil Nadu;
    Naveen Patnaik’s BJD that had sold out the state to the imperialists and had
    proved itself to be the executioner for the imperialists and the CBB by
    massacring adivasis in Kaliga Nagar, POSCO, etc., besides protecting the saffron
    hoodlums as they went about killing, raping and persecuting the Christian
    minority; Deve Gowda’s JDU which shared power with the BJP and broke with it
    not because of BJP’s communalism but only when the latter wanted a greater
    share of power; and then you have a Mayawati who would do anything to grab power
    whether it be power-sharing with the BJP on rotational basis, or striking an
    alliance with the Brahmins and subordinating the Dalits to the upper-caste
    Hindus, besides crushing all opponents ruthlessly.

    The attempt to forge together such opportunist, corrupt and notorious
    anti-people parties into a new front by the so-called Left should not come as a
    surprise if we keep in mind the fact that the social-fascist CPI(M) has proved
    itself to be a loyal agent for the imperialists and the CBB which has been
    proved beyond any doubt in West Bengal under Buddhadeb. It should also not come
    as a surprise if these opportunists, who masquerade under the garb of
    “Marxists”, rediscover anti-communalism and secularism in the Congress (and
    forgetting for a while that it had surrendered to imperialism), and align with
    it against the communal BJP after the elections.

    As per the impact of the Third Front, it has certainly weakened the two major
    alliances-the NDA and UPA�”and has led to further fragmentation of the Indian
    polity. Whichever alliance wants to form the government it will have to depend
    upon and satisfy the demands put forth by the Third Front or whatever is left of
    it after the elections. Some of the constituents of the Third Front will, of
    course, jump into the alliance which is most likely to form the next government.

    MIB: What are the actual issues confronting India and how do the various Parties
    address these issues in their manifestos and slogans?
    A: The issues confronting the people of the country are many: the continuous
    fleecing of the people and looting of the country’s wealth by the imperialists
    and the comprador big business houses; the ever-increasing imbalances between
    various classes, sections, states, regions, special social groups,
    nationalities; the deepening agrarian crisis that is leading to the suicide
    deaths of thousands of peasants; the industrial closures and lay-offs that are
    throwing out lakhs of workers onto the streets; wage-cuts and wage freeze,
    mounting unemployment; spiraling prices of essential commodities irrespective of
    what the government spokespersons bark day in and day out that inflation has
    been brought down to the lowest figure; fast-declining industrial growth despite
    the circus feats of Chidambarams., Manmohan singhs, Pranab Mukherjees to prove
    the contrary; growing aspirations of the nationalities for their
    self-determination in various forms such as statehood in Telangana and
    Gorkhaland, independence or aazadi in Kashmir, Assam, Nagaland, Manipur; Hindu
    chauvinism and rabid anti-Muslim, anti-Christian frenzy whipped up by the
    saffron terrorists who seek to destroy the delicate fabric of our society;
    corruption that has become the life-blood of every Party; displacement of lakhs
    of people from their homes and lands in the name of SEZs and so-called
    development projects; state terrorist and state-sponsored terrorist attacks on
    the struggling people all over the country, particularly in Chattisgarh,
    Kashmir, Assam and other parts of North East, and so on.

    Thus the issues that confront the people of our country are quite serious and
    none of the parties has courage to address any of these since a solution to any
    of these issues would mean cutting the very tree on which one sits. Every
    party’s existence is based on carrying out policies that serve the
    imperialists, comprador houses, feudal forces, scamsters and real estate mafia
    gangs. Hence it is unimaginable that these parties would raise people’s real
    issues in a serious manner. Instead they try to utilize the extreme poverty and
    destitution, unemployment, rising prices of essential commodities, rapidly
    declining living standards, and the overall insecurity, frustration and
    helplessness of the people at large to project themselves as saviours by
    declaring some sops in their manifestos and slogans. These unscrupulous,
    nefarious and hypocritical gangsters and bandits who rob the poor to fatten
    themselves put forth populist slogans and try to lure the people by throwing a
    few crumbs. Just see the competition between the various parties in offering
    freebies and social welfare schemes to the people during the present elections.
    If Congress party offered 25 kg of rice or wheat at Rs. 3 a kg per month to
    families living below poverty line, BJP promised to offer 35 kg rice or wheat
    every month at Rs. 2/kg. The TDP had gone a step further asking people not to
    buy colour TV sets as it would distribute one crore sets gratis if it came to
    power. Praja Rajyam Party assured the people of AP that it would supply cooking
    gas free and food kits for Rs 100 only.

    In the last Assembly election in Chhattisgarh the show of populism by the
    Congress and BJP is nauseating to the extreme. These two biggest enemies of the
    country and the most loyal stooges of the imperialists and comprador big
    business houses had tried to outwit one another in luring the masses with sops.
    First BJP promised rice at Rs 3 a Kilo. Then Congress came up with Rs 2 a kilo
    upon which the BJP assured that it would supply rice at only one rupee a kilo
    along with free supply of salt.

    There is no end to such hypocrisy and false promises made by these bandicoots.
    None of these parties would ever dare to touch upon the real problems and
    permanent solutions to these problems. Instead they seek to offer some ‘first
    aid’ to the sufferers by throwing some crumbs in exchange for unbridled power
    for five years. The very fact that every Party is compelled to offer such sops
    that promise to mitigate hunger and meet other basic needs of the masses shows
    the acuteness of the misery and poverty of the people notwithstanding the tall
    talk of glowing India, rapid growth rates in GDP, joining the elite club of the
    top 20 countries in the world, and such non-stop trash. Their sops point to the
    condition of real India while the lion’s share of the funds go to a tiny fatty
    layer that floats over the society like a scum. People will not be taken in by
    these sops but will demand their rightful share in the country’s GDP, their
    right to employment, and right to a dignified life.

    MIB: There seems to be relatively a greater impact of the regional parties in
    the current elections. What do you think is the reason for this phenomenon? Is
    there any future for the so-called All India parties like the Congress, BJP,
    CPI, CPI(M) etc?
    A: I should say the elections this time are the most complex, most
    crisis-ridden and most fragmented in the annals of the so-called Indian
    parliamentary democracy. Extreme instability and contradictions plague every
    party and candidate. No Party or candidate seems to be certain of the electoral
    outcome, notwithstanding the outwardly confident postures. Hence the parties and
    candidates are resorting to all sorts of gimmicks to attract the apathetic

    The much-discredited so-called All India parties like the Congress, BJP and the
    “Left” have become thoroughly exposed before the people. All these Parties
    have in fact been reduced to the status of All India regional parties. And the
    alliances that they lead also have influence limited to certain regions in the
    country. The desertion by the “Left”, Lalu’s RJD, Mulayam’s SP,
    Paswan’s LJP, Ramdoss’s PMK have left the Congress and its UPA in a pathetic
    condition. Likewise, BJP and its alliance NDA have lost the support of strong
    allies like Naveen Patnaik’s BJD, Jayalalitha’s AIADMK, and several smaller
    parties. Neither the BJP nor the Congress is in a position to hold their
    respective alliances together and centrifugal tendencies will continue to weaken
    these further.
    None of these is in a position to repeat the slogans they had issued during the
    2004 elections.

    While the India Shining slogan of the BJP has taken a severe battering in the
    background of the severest crisis in the Indian economy that has thrown millions
    of workers onto the streets and peasants to the verge of suicide, its communal
    slogans and attacks on the religious minorities have isolated them from the
    people. On the other hand, the Congress party’s common minimum programme has
    proved to be the biggest and most cruel joke of the decade; their so-called
    development had led to the displacement of tens of thousands of people across
    the country from their lands and homes, and the total surrender of the
    Congress-led UPA to the American imperialists stands thoroughly exposed before
    the people.

    Then there is the hypocrisy of the so-called Left in running with the hare and
    hunting with the hound. But for its support, Manmohan’s comprador clique could
    not have dared or succeeded in implementing the series of anti-people policies
    and placing the interests of the country at the feet of the US imperialists.
    After its opportunistic honeymoon with the UPA it had to distance itself seeing
    the anger of the people and used the civilian-nuclear deal as a pretext. Its
    rhetoric against SEZs is seen as a big gimmick after the brutal suppression of
    the people’s struggles in Singur, Nandigram and elsewhere in West Bengal.

    The economic crisis and the polices pursued by the UPA as well as by the
    preceding NDA governments had created a situation of extreme imbalances between
    various regions, sections, classes, special social groups, and nationalities.
    Naturally all this has led to a new polarization and realignment of forces in
    the Indian political scene. The regional aspirations, the anti-Hindutva feelings
    among the persecuted religious minorities, the feeling of betrayal of their
    interests by the major political parties which had pervaded the toiling masses,
    in short, the explosive situation in many parts of the country brought forth due
    to the severity of the current crisis had discredited the major political
    parties in the eyes of the people. It is in such a situation when the so-called
    All India parties had failed to address the issues of the people and have lost
    credibility in the eyes of the people that regional parties have begun to
    utilize the situation to increase their seat share.

    However, all the parties belonging to the two major alliances and the so-called
    Third Front, as well as others are consciously evading the real burning issues
    confronting the country and the people. They are striving by every means to see
    that economic-social crises, the severe downturn in the economy, closure of
    industries, growing retrenchments and lay-offs, agrarian crisis, etc do not
    become the agenda during the elections.

    MIB: How do you intend to take your campaign on the boycott of Lok Sabha and
    other Assembly elections to the people?
    A: We had already begun our election boycott campaign after the Election
    Commission declared the election schedule. Our stand has been made clear to the
    people through various forms�”circulars, press statements, interviews,
    leaflets, posters, wall writings and so on. Our cultural teams stage
    performances among the people calling upon them to understand the real essence
    of the so-called parliamentary democracy and asking them to boycott the
    elections. We will carry out this propaganda until the end of the last phase of
    elections. Our campaign during elections is basically a mass political
    propaganda campaign. This includes questioning the candidates and
    representatives of the parties, gheraoing them, making them confess their
    misdeeds before the people.

    Then there is active boycott where we prevent the candidates from carrying out
    their campaigns in the villages and smaller urban centres in our areas. We warn
    the parties not to venture out into our areas and when they do not heed our
    warnings, we stop their campaign, beat them up if they are notorious elements,
    burn their vehicles, conduct people’s courts where possible and make the party
    representatives confess the misdeeds of their respective parties and seek
    apologies from the people. They are let off after they agree not to come to the
    villages again and that they will raise the misdeeds of their leaders in their
    Party fora. We also carry out counter-offensive actions against the police and
    central forces who are used by the reactionary rulers to enforce elections at
    gun-point. Basically our active boycott too is a political campaign though we
    undertake some actions aimed at destroying the enemy forces.

    MIB: There is propaganda by some sections of the media including the BBC during
    the last November elections to Chattisgarh Assembly that Maoists had threatened
    to chop off the fingers of those who dared to cast their vote in the Maoist
    strong-hold areas? Is there any plan to forcibly prevent people from going to
    the polling centres?
    A: The question of Maoists using force against people to ensure boycott of
    elections is only the fabrication of the reactionary rulers and the media. You
    cannot show a single instance where the Maoists had resorted to force on the
    people for having attended election meetings or having stopped them from casting
    their votes.

    It is the criminal, parasitical, mafia gangs ruling the country who thrive on
    violence on the masses daily and hourly; they cannot survive a day without
    resorting to illegal detentions, cruel tortures and brutal murders of those who
    oppose the system. Terror acts such as chopping off limbs, blinding the eyes,
    giving electric shocks, and resorting to other third degree methods are the
    norms practiced by the STF, Grey Hounds, SOG, CRPF, SSB, and other forces
    deployed in Dandakaranya, Bihar, Jharkhand, AP, Orissa, Chattisgarh, Maharshtra,
    Karnataka, Tamil Nadu etc. Salwa Judum in Dandakaranya reveals the depths of the
    cruelty of these mercenary forces.

    If the BBC correspondent reported during the election to Chattisgarh state
    Assembly last November that posters were put up by Maoists warning people their
    fingers would be chopped off if votes were cast, a special editorial in Dainik
    Bhaskar went a step ahead alleging that Maoists had chopped off the fingers of
    several people! It is the reactionary rulers who run the print and electronic
    media in the country and the versions of the police are given credence at the
    cost of truth. And BBC is no holy cow; it is the mouth-piece of the
    imperialists. Its role in spreading stories of weapons of mass destruction in
    Iraq and attempts to manufacture consent for the invasion of Iraq is well-known.
    It is no surprise that it has tried to mislead the people by spreading canards
    and lies against the Maoists in Chattisgarh. One more point has to be kept in
    mind here: it is often the police that put up posters and issue statements and
    leaflets in the name of the Maoists to discredit us. It is part of the
    psychological warfare of the enemy on which he spends hundreds of crores of
    rupees every year. The communal fascists like the BJP-VHP-RSS-Bajrang Dal and
    other reactionaries too put up such posters in their attempt to build public
    opinion against the Maoists. Hence the media should go a bit deeper than what
    appears on the surface.

    Maoists never use coercive methods on the people. That is why the toiling,
    suffering, oppressed masses love the Maoists and are proud of the PLGA.

    MIB: What do you think of Advani’s slogan of bringing back black money from
    foreign banks for investing in India? Is it realizable and would it help the
    Indian economy in this hour of unprecedented economic crisis?

    A: (laughing aloud) This will stand out as the biggest joke of the millennium.
    Whose black money would Advani bring back from foreign banks? That of the big
    landlords and big comprador business houses? That of the havala dealers,
    smugglers and real estate mafia? That of the unscrupulous contractors, traders,
    money-lenders and hoarders? Would anyone believe that Advani would cut off the
    tree on which he/she is sitting? And how has Advani discovered, all of a sudden,
    that lakhs of crores of rupees of unaccounted money is stashed away in foreign
    banks? Did he not know of the black money when he was the Home Minister and his
    saffron gang was in power before Manmohan Singh’s khaki gang took over? Every
    rogue begins to indulge in populist rhetoric just before the election. For five
    long years before the election and, of course, another five years after the
    election, the issue is pushed into cold storage. This very fact shows the
    hypocrisy and the ulterior motives of these crooks.

    Due to the contradictions within the ruling classes, it is possible that a tiny
    fraction of the black money belonging to those who are rabidly opposed to the
    BJP is targeted. We had witnessed this under Hitler. But, overall, black money
    would grow faster and in greater quantity under fascist regimes, whether saffron
    fascism of the BJP or the khadi fascism of Congress. Indian people are not fools
    to be taken in by the rhetoric of Advani. Without black money one cannot even
    imagine the existence of a BJP, a Congress, a CPI(M), or any other parliamentary
    party. Black money is the life-blood of the political mainstream of India. They
    contest elections using black money with the sole goal of multiplying their
    black money. Over a trillion dollars of black money is said to have been hidden
    abroad by India’s filthy ruling elite who fund and run BJP, Congress and all
    parliamentary parties as their political representatives.

    Why abroad? Black money is flowing right in front our eyes. One ground-level
    survey in the country would reveal several trillion dollars of black money. Just
    ask how a political leader, a bureaucrat, a police official or an encounter
    specialist, a contractor or a stock broker how he came into possession of
    several crores of rupees worth of property that is not shown in the income tax.
    Confiscate such unaccounted property and assets and I am certain there will be
    no dearth of funds for the reconstruction of the country. A tiny
    stratum�”around five lakhs or at the most three million as some put it�”is
    holding the lifelines of our economy, dominates over our society and controls
    the state. It is only our Party�”the CPI(Maoist)�”that is capable of ferreting
    out this huge, mind-boggling sums of illegal money and restore it to the people
    to whom it actually belongs. No other Party, by its very class nature and vested
    class interests, is capable of such a task. In fact, it was precisely when the
    CPI(Maoist) touched upon the issue of urban land grabbed by the ruling elite of
    Andhra Pradesh in Hyderabad’s posh localities that YSR turned mad, broke off
    the talks abruptly and unleashed the most cruel attack on the Maoists. Forget
    bringing back black money from abroad, the rulers would, in fact, go to any
    extent in protecting their black money even if it meant unleashing the most
    brutal attacks and massacres.

    MIB: What is the impact of the current global economic crisis on the Indian
    parliamentary elections?
    A: The current global economic crisis certainly has a deep impact on the Indian
    economy, society and the political scenario. It has a devastating effect on the
    Indian economy due to the total dependence on imperialists for exports and
    imports and license given to the imperialist FIIs to gamble in the Indian stock
    markets. The attempts of UPA government to resolve the crisis through monetary
    measures rather than boosting the real economy had led to disastrous results. It
    has led to a redistribution of wealth from the poor to a handful of wealthy

    Today, due to the anti-people policies of the reactionary rulers just one lakh
    families hold assets worth $ 350 billion (Rs. 17.5 lakh crores) or a little less
    than half the country’s GDP. The combined wealth of 53 billionaires in India
    amounts to 31 % of the country’s GDP. At the same time 83.6 crores of Indian
    people or 77 % of the population live on less than Rs.20 a day. According to the
    Global Hunger Index of 2007, India ranks 94 out of 118 countries tailing behind
    even countries like Pakistan and Ethiopia. All the so-called rates of growth of
    GDP and development had only led to trickling down poverty. In spite of such
    glaring inequalities, the reactionary rulers are continuing their regressive
    policies of tax breaks and write-offs to the corporate-financial houses while
    taxing the poor and resorting to cuts in social welfare spending. Overall, the
    reactionary policies had further accentuated all the contradictions in Indian

    The current political scenario being witnessed in the 2009 Lok Sabha elections
    reflects the deepening social contradictions and crisis in the Indian economy
    and society. India is undoubtedly heading towards a grave social explosion.

    MIB: How real is the threat posed by terrorism to the country as alleged by
    every political party in the country? What do you think will be the role of the
    anti-terrorism card played up particularly by the two major alliances�”UPA and
    NDA�”on the election results?
    A: The real threat to the stability and integrity of our country, as our Party
    has been stressing continuously, emanates from the so-called political
    mainstream, particularly from the two biggest parties�”the Congress and the
    BJP. These are also the most trusted representatives or agents of the
    imperialists and the comprador big bourgeoisie. It is in their interest to keep
    the society divided as this would disrupt the class unity among the toiling
    masses, diverts them from their burning issues and the real path of their
    liberation, and helps the comprador ruling classes to perpetuate their rule. The
    very nature of our “parliamentary democracy” and the way elections are
    conducted, also gives scope for creating further divisions among the people,
    whip up communal passions, and create a sense of insecurity and helplessness.

    Terrorism, and that too terrorism instigated by the foreign hand, is the card
    used by every reactionary from George Bush down to our local Bajrang Dal or Shiv
    Sena hoodlum to divide the people and divert them from the real issues
    confronting the country. A sense of insecurity among the people is very much
    needed if the reactionary rulers wish to have their way unquestioned. Insecurity
    grants license to kill, maim, loot and whatever you can. Promoting terror and
    unleashing a so-called war on terror have become extremely necessary for the
    reactionary rulers all over the world. It is the military-industrial complex in
    the US�”Halliburtons, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin and others�”that
    gained the most from so-called war on terror and had pushed the US into wars of
    aggression against Afghanistan, Iraq and itching for wars against Iran, North
    Korea and elsewhere. Hence they would go on pushing the so-called war on terror.

    Likewise, in India, the comprador Tatas, Ambanis, Mittals, Ruias, Jindals, etc
    have much to gain in the ‘war against terror’. Thousands of crores worth
    deals are involved. The police top brass has a lot to gain by spinning tales of
    terror. Thousands of crores of rupees are sought by the police department to
    fight terror. And the police officials can have a field day by pocketing a big
    chunk of these funds. If there is no terror incident then they create one by
    placing a crude bomb in a dust-bin or a park or wherever you want, create a
    furore, get funds sanctioned for eliminating terror, eliminate some innocent
    people or put them behind bars, claim an astounding victory in the war against
    terror and get promotions for the bravery of the officers in knocking down the
    terrorists in “ fierce encounters”. And the same cycle goes on and on.
    Exposures of these despicable acts by the top rogues in the police department,
    revelations of the hundreds of crores grabbed by ‘encounter specialists’ who
    had been the blue-eyed boys of the media till yesterday, make little impact. The
    non-stop visuals in the electronic media (most of it being police versions or
    concoctions by the saffron or khadi gangs) create an atmosphere favourable to
    carry on the ‘war against terror’, a sense of urgency to the task, prepare
    the psychological make-up of the people for further fascisation of the state and
    curtailing of the rights of citizens, in short, manufacture consent for the
    unbridled loot by the Indian counterparts of Halliburtons and Lockheeds.

    In the current elections both the BJP and the Congress have been trying to
    compete with one another in creating a terrorist scare and each assuring the
    people that it alone is capable of controlling the terrorists. But these Parties
    which actually sponsor terrorism cannot fool the people through their rhetoric.
    Their rhetoric will not help them gain credibility or have an impact on the
    electoral outcome. People know the links between the saffron gangs and the
    blasts at Malegaon, Samjhautha Express and other places. They know how deep the
    roots of saffron terrorism are in the state apparatus, especially the Indian
    Army. It is only by impartial investigation into every anti-people act by the
    Congress hoodlums and BJP’s saffron gangsters, and meting out speedy
    punishments to these culprits that would contribute to mitigating the acts of
    counter-terror by the aggrieved religious communities.

    MIB: Going by the clean chit recently given by the CBI to Jagadish Tytler in the
    1984 anti-Sikh riots, is there any hope that the victims of those riots will
    ever get justice?
    A: Anyone who knows the class character of the Indian state, its pro-Hindu bias,
    and the long history of state-sponsored attacks and persecution of religious
    minorities in the country cannot fail to see how it is next to impossible for
    the religious minorities in India to secure justice within the framework of the
    existing socio-political system. Not a single Hindu communalist-chauvinist
    leader or member of the mainstream political parties involved in instigating,
    and even leading, attacks on Muslims and Christians, has been punished in the
    six decades after the transfer of power from the British imperialists to the
    comprador-feudal classes in India.

    None but the investigating agencies have any doubt about the involvement of
    Sajjan Kumar, HKL Bhagat, Jagadeesh Tytler and other Congress leaders in the
    massacre of innocent Sikhs in 1984. Likewise, the active involvement and
    leadership provided by LK Advani, Vajpayee, Murali Manohar Joshi, Ashok Singhal,
    Praveen Togadia, Vinay Katiyar and other Hindu communal-bigots in demolishing
    Babari Masjid and setting the entire country into communal conflagration is
    universally known. So is the role of saffron-clad butcher Narendra Modi who had
    indulged in ethnic-cleansing of Muslims in Gujarat indisputable. But none of
    these criminals has been punished and, on the contrary, they have their own
    commissions which exonerate them of their crimes. Nanavti commission’s
    exoneration of Narendra Modi or CBI’s clean chit to Tytler show the extent to
    which the so-called commissions and investigating agencies have become
    communalized, degenerated and politicized. It is only when they have a political
    axe to grind that these come out with some names at times. Such is the criminal
    justice system in India that no victim in general can expect justice and, in
    case of police killings of religious minorities or state-sponsored murders
    justice is like an oasis.

    It is only the people’s courts that can mete out justice to the victims as one
    can witness in our jan adalats in Dandakaranya. Tytlers and Modis cannot remain
    unpunished forever despite the protection provided by the pro-Hindu Indian state
    and clean chit by Hindu chauvinist or mercenary commissions. People will
    certainly punish them however long it might take.

    MIB: Will the CPI(Maoist) and its PLGA too carry out punishments of these
    A: Our Party�”CPI(Maoist)�”is an integral, indivisible part of the people and
    hence one need only wonder if we do not carry out the decisions of the people
    and fulfill their aspirations.

    MIB: What is the alternative that the Maoists have in mind to the present
    parliamentary democracy in India? There is increasing noise by the ruling
    quarters that Maoists are opposed to development and the electoral success of
    Maoists in Nepal is shown as a model to be emulated in India too.
    A: The alternative to the so-called parliamentary democracy and the fake
    elections that are conducted as a ritual every few years is people’s democracy
    where it is the people, and not a few money-bags, who decide the destiny of the
    country and their own lives. It is the genuine democracy that is seen from the
    grass-roots level to the top and not vice versa. You can see the grass-roots
    democracy at work in the vast tracts of Dandakaranya where the Maoists are
    running a parallel government. There the people are supreme and every decision
    is made through gram sabhas or assemblies of the people and not by invisible
    hands. People are encouraged to criticize the Maoists if they commit any
    mistakes or excesses. Everything is transparent�”as clear as daylight�”for the
    people have nothing to hide unlike the traitors and double-dealers in the
    Parliament and Assemblies whose very existence depends on hiding their every
    nefarious activity. There criminals like Modis, Advanis, Singhals and Togadias
    or Tytlers, Sajjan Kumars and HKL Bhagats cannot loiter for years without end
    only to be finally. On the other hand, such criminals get punishments instantly
    in people’s courts.

    These people’s courts will, of course, be refined further but the content
    remains the same�”deliverance of real and speedy justice by taking the side of
    the oppressed and persecuted people. Money power, muscle power and other
    considerations have absolutely no role to play unlike in the existing judicial
    system in the country.

    MIB: Finally how do you sum up your stand on the parliamentary elections in
    A: Parliamentary elections do not bring any radical change in the unjust,
    exploitative and oppressive semi-colonial semi-feudal socio-economic system or
    solve the basic problems of the people. Parliamentary institutions are meant
    only to protect, serve and further strengthen the status quo. They are mere
    talking shops and can never adopt policies that would ameliorate the living
    standards of the people; they are powerless institutions as policies are decided
    not in parliament and assemblies but by a small coterie in consultation with the
    representatives of the big feudal landlords, CBB and imperialist agencies. What
    is worse, even the policies that are passed in the parliament are hardly ever
    discussed and at times are pushed through in the absence of none-tenths of the
    strength of the House.

    Parliamentary institutions and elections to these institutions, like any other
    institutions of the state, have a class nature in a class-divided society like
    India; they can never represent the interests of the vast masses of toiling
    people but only those of a tiny elite ruling the country in collusion with the

    Elections are a safety valve that are used as a vent to let out the frustration,
    anger and hatred of the masses without endangering the interests of the
    exploiting ruling classes or the unjust system they represent. Elections are
    meant to create illusions in the minds of the people about an electoral
    alternative. When one ruling party gets thoroughly exposed for its anti-people
    policies another equally rapacious party is projected as an alternative and thus
    people are led astray from seeking the real path of their liberation; their
    anger is sought to be directed against one party and replace it by another
    equally anti-people party.

    Elections are held to create legitimacy to the exploitative system and so-called
    Parliamentary democracy which has lost credibility in the eyes of the people. By
    imposing the fraud of elections, even the most of notorious criminals, dacoits,
    corrupt leaders, communal-fascist parties and imperialist stooges (as all
    parties are) seek to gain legitimacy and wash off their crimes and notorious
    anti-people misdeeds.

    Parliamentary elections held in India are not even based on bourgeois democratic
    consciousness and values but based on feudal values, ideas, caste-based
    politics, communal passions, regional sentiments, and money power and muscle
    power. All these factors basically determine the outcome of the elections though
    at times negative vote also plays a role in replacing one Party with another.
    Hence communal flare-ups, caste riots, ethnic riots etc are organized by the
    parties in order to build up their social base to win the elections.

    Elections are the prerogative of the rich, and the poor have absolutely no role
    to play in contesting the elections; only those who have enormous wealth or are
    patronized by the wealthy have the opportunity to contest elections. Even among
    the major political parties it is only the wealthy who can get the tickets as it
    requires lot of money to bribe the High Command.

    Finally, it is not the path of elections but the path of militant revolutionary
    struggle that can solve the people’s problems. The path to the liberation of
    the people lies in carrying forward the people’s war to final victory by
    overthrowing the feudal and comprador capitalist class and their imperialist
    masters and establishing people’s revolutionary power throughout the country.
    Needless to say, even if a Maoist party wins the elections in exceptional
    conditions, as in Nepal, it cannot change the socio-economic system or the class
    character of the state which can be smashed only through revolutionary means.
    Boycott of elections is a democratic right of the masses. Genuine elections can
    take place only in a new democratic setup which can emerge only after
    overthrowing imperialism, feudalism and CBB.

    April 10, 2009

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